christopher scott's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GWW, Graphic Policy Reviews: 18
8.0Avg. Review Rating

This pair of stories were executed very well and look spectacular. The narration, especially during the first story, was excellently written and definitely pulled you into the conflict between Jocasta, X-52, and Machine Man. The artwork was very eye-catching and the use of the colors was very vibrant. The storyline for the second narrative was a little fractured but overall it was crafted well. These stories do bring a nicer, more enriched exterior background to the overall 2020 Iron Man arc.

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The art work is well done, in a similar manner to the last issue. It has a nice balance of vibrant, action-filled, scenes. Along with scenes that have a slight darkness to the characters and the environment.

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This issue is action packed, visually stunning and has a unique mystique for its lack of dialog. The visuals have a richness and depth while also being a strong punch of action. Subtle details, like the diminishing amount of floral bordering in the first couple of pages, shows an attention to hoisting the narrative without words. With the limited dialog, every word used needed to setup and propel the story in a positive way and it accomplished this goal. The voyage through Storm's mind was a masterpiece of sights and feelings and truths. I have personally never read a comic that said so little but told so much and it was a pure joy to read.

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I was highly impressed with the writing and artwork in this issue. The look and feel of the characters and uniforms worn was bright and strong. The story felt like something out of a TNG episode if the series never ended. The new characters were enjoyable and hopefully not just one-shot entries into the Star Trek Universe. If you are a fan of Next Generation and look forward to Picard, pick this up immediately.

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This book is clearly intended for mature readers. Featuring scenes of violence, blood and gore, and macabre imagery. Unless you are not offended by those type of things, pick it up.

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The blended, action filled, fantasy comic continues in I, Mage #5 with its somewhat unorthodox story. The issue reveals the powerful nature of vengeance and forgiveness as Skirnir discovers a local village is missing a child. Except the missing child is not what she seems, when they manage to find her.

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Very interesting take on the multiple versions of character types and storyline fit for a nail-biting two-parter. With art and story giving us high marks, the next issue can't come soon enough!

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The storylines contained in this issue are amazingly good. For instance, being brought into seeing the breadth in which Krakoa is towards the mutants made the initial start of “Catacombs” inviting and intriguing. The content of the story and dialog contained enriched the stories and pulled you into Logan's emotional journey. The artwork presented by both artists is striking and helps pull you into the story. Some of the darkened hues and a couple of the tight close-ups of characters felt slightly disconnected but overall didn't harm the flow. Overall, a very exciting, deep issue with outstanding feel and visuals.

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The issue continues the inappropriateness that is the exploration of Luna's life and when you think it can't get anymore cringeworthy funny, you're proven wrong. A fantastic series that delivers laughs with some heart underneath.

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The dialog was done very well and definitely had some interesting interactions between the various Hunters. The artwork was spectacular it was definitely a sight to see, especially when it came to the action portions. Personally some of the action frames made the dialog a little confusing however overall it was solid. If the Bounty Hunters have a special place in your fandom pick up this title.

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The issue in and of itself was good however the portions with the insectoids they fought seemed to distract from the overall plot. The artwork was done beautifully, especially when you saw the parallel frames with the current pair along with seeing Anakin and Padme in the past. A very interesting series so far and I'm intrigued to see this unfold more.

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The artwork and colors are very raw and subdued compared to the four colors of many other works. The details when it comes to the backgrounds pulls you into 1980s NYC. Readers will feel like they're on the hunt with the T-800. A decent start to the run, looking forward to seeing what Issue #2 will bring for Castro.

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The issue itself was visually popping with the extensive use of bold colors against the hard outlines. It made for a very eye-catching experience that brought some of the action out of the pages. The dialog and story overall were pretty good except that it felt that it was a little long in places, especially with Tony's mom. However, the action did help cut into that. All in all, a great pickup for fans of Pepper and Iron Man. Looking forward to seeing issue 2 in a few weeks and the continuation of the Iron Man 2020 storyline.

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Tony seems to be up to his literal neck in issues from the start. Between a killer cyborg, mindless zealots and his armor literally killing him, Tony and his team needs to help figure out a cure to this fusion. The issue was well written though the dialog and flow sometimes felt a little bumpy, especially with Rhodey. The artwork was solidly done with some very heavy sharpness between the colors which helped make the images pop. The ending of the issue looks like it's going to make for a very intense conflict with the next title.

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The full Countdown series is now available and Star Trek Picard airs on CBS All Access on Thursdays

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The entire anthology is good however there really isn't much to it that would make me want to give it a second read. “Curiosity” was a story similar to the X-Men comic I reported on recently with minimal dialog and it worked for both stories. “Roads Taken!” seemed like it missed the mark when it came to its story and lost me a little bit. The middle story, “Robots of Conviction”, did have a decent story though it felt very holier than thou and I feel it meant to hit that. I felt as if it was good but missed something. The artwork in all stories were of great quality and did bring light to the narratives. Overall, a good combo comic but could have brought more to the arc.

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Overall, Amazing Mary Jane #5 brought together a good plot and some excitement in the end. The artwork was very bright, especially in the facial features of most of the characters. Unlike something grittier like Wolverine, the tone of the art and story were light and effervescent but didn't overdo it. The whole issue was a light indulgence and interesting view on more of MJ and her life.

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Reading through the issue I felt that it was good, however not great. Honestly, knowing these characters from the MCU will vary from their actual histories in the comics. However, as a new reader that may want to jump into this series based on Sam and Bucky, some readers may want to jump back out. Some of the dialog seemed like it was a little forced while others felt first-date awkward. The artwork overall was great minus some of the mid-scale renditions of Sam. Those felt like they weren't detailed enough or just lacking in something I can't grasp. The character of The Natural seemed a little over the top however some of the best characters in comics have come from very overt openings. As a whole, a fair start with the hopes of something more. We'll be keeping an eye on this development.

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