Geo N's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Graphic Policy Reviews: 34
9.2Avg. Review Rating

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What Remender and Scalera do extremely well is create these worlds, or dimensions I should say, that are original, imaginative and inventive. They do this every few issues which is as unbelievable as the worlds they create. Unfortunately, we will have to wait until July 30th to experience the next world our favorite dimension-jumping scientists travel to and what awaits them there. Although Black Science #6 answered many lingering questions we had from previous issues, it also created more. It was a perfect close to the arc and great set-up for what's to come.

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The story and art in this book would be great as an ongoing series, but as a mini-series it still manages to deliver something exceptional. Scalera already does fantastic work on one of my favorite series out right now in Black Science and I am definitely going to pick up anything by Justin Jordan in the future. If there other works are as great as Dead Body Road, how can you go wrong?

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This is my first review of East Of West and I plan on writing a more in-depth analysis on all subsequent issues. Please check back here on Graphic Policy after each issues release for more on this great comic book. I will do my best to dissect all the information we get and what it means in the grander scheme of things so we can better understand what is going on in this magnificent open world. See you next issue.

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East of West #11 begins the third story arc of what is possibly the best and most creative series on the market today. The story is so rich and the characters so deep that you can't help but get lost in the plot and immerse yourself in the crisp and precise drawings of Dragotta. It's hard to believe we are only on issue #11 when it feels as though Hickman has expanded this world to boundaries beyond imagination.

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East of West is a brilliant book and issue #12 has some great art as only Nick Dragotta could deliver. How he imagines Hickman's story is extraordinary. I love the alternative reality plot of East of West, but even if I didn't I would still buy the book for the art alone. Together, Dragotta and Hickman have created something really unique and special.

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Even if you do not know the story of Captain Meriwether Lewis and Second Lieutenant William Clark's perilous journey in the early 1800"s to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory, Manifest Destiny is a comic book worth delving into. You do not need a degree in American history to know that Lewis & Clark did not come across strange vine monsters or rabid floral-infected animals on their trek, but the alternative reality that Chris Dingess conjures up suggests that they came into contact with that and a whole lot more.

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Outcast is a comic book that shows us there are no boundaries for this medium. It is eerie and frightening and some of the panels I just could not stare at for too long. Seeing Joshua smile was illustrated perfectly and I'm sure will give some readers nightmares. All of these components come together to create a wonderfully imagined horror comic book that will have fans wanting more immediately after each issue. Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few great series that operate on all cylinders and Outcast is definitely one of them. The anticipation and build-up to Outcast #1 was well worth the wait…and now I can't wait for issue #2.

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It's no mystery why Saga is an Eisner, Harvey and Hugo award winner. Staples' art is phenomenal and I can't help but stare at each page in awe. Every landscape, facial expression and structure appears to leap off the page with her surreal illustrations. It mixes harmoniously with Vaughan's rich story that I read each page three or four times. The three-month break the series took since the last arc was far too long, but did give me time to go back and re-read each issue. New readers of Saga are in for a big treat if they plan on picking up the first three Trades to catch up, but I'm sure that if you get Chapter Nineteen, afterwards, you will become a single-issue reader from that moment on.

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The issue does a great job at setting up the next arc in the franchise and resetting things for Peter to take the reigns once again. It will be nice to have him back, but I will admit that Doc Ock as Spidey will be missed.

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Issue #39 kept the action going in what is definitely the bloodiest arc to date. The action sequences in the middle are outstanding. Brian Hurtt is one of my favorite artists in comics right now and he does not disappoint. The panels of the end of Nahuel showcase what I'm talking about along with colors by Bill Crabtree. The sequences really pop when needed and dwindle and fade where necessary. It is really a wonderful book and Cullen Bunn's writing makes The Sixth Gun one of the best comics on the shelves today and should no doubt be on everyone's Pull-List.

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This issue is almost like a 'season-finale' with a really huge cliffhanger. Some questions were answered and a few popped up making it a perfect story to end on until we get issue #41 some time next month. Drake and Becky have a long way to go on their journey out of the hole they are in now and I can only imagine how they will do it. Cullen Bunn is an excellent story teller and I look forward to each issue. The next arc is aptly titled 'The Grey Witch', and we have been waiting to see this confrontation for a long time.

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The Sixth Gun is the first comic I ever read by Cullen Bunn. I have picked up everything he has written since and he never disappoints. Issue #41 of the The Sixth Gun is a perfect example of how rich and intricate his storytelling can be and the main reason it's one of the few comic books I read four or five times in a row.

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The Walking Dead #125 is one of my favorite issues of the series. Charlie Adlard is phenomenal the way he makes us really feel for Nicholas's family heartache.

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I am sure there will be plenty of people who think All Out War was not as great as it should be, however, like I said we have trusted Kirkman with this story for so long, why would we doubt what he is doing now? I love how this arc ended and look forward to Rick and Carl's future, but I am concerned about how many more body parts they can afford to get injured.

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The Walking Dead would not be complete without the usual twists and turns and we get one at the end (I won't spoil it for you). I will go into more detail of it next issue. I wasn't happy about the issue when I first read it, but after a couple more times I changed my mind. How could you not like this book? It has everything you could want. There are quite a few new characters plus old characters that seem to have larger roles also. It's a little too early to tell where the story is headed, but, like I said, I trust Kirkman to deliver a quality book every month. Speaking of that, I kind of already miss the bi-monthly release schedule.

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It's incredible to me that after so many issues I am still amazed at how Charlie Adlard captures the tone of the story in every face and in every drawn line and facial expression. You definitely get a sense of what each character senses and feels almost to the point that you can gauge what they are thinking. For a comic book to elicit something of that nature in its readers makes me excited to be a comic book fan, let alone a 'Walking Dead' one.

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Issue #4 is a great read. If you haven't picked up this book yet I suggest you get the back issues or wait for the trade. If you enjoy stories like Game of Thrones or magic or scary creatures lurking in the shadows then this book has elements from all of them. This issue is denitely coming close to the end of its rst arc so the action is thickening and we are learning more with each page turn (I just hope we nd out the fate of Dalone before then). The art is matches the style Johnston's writing perfectly. It's gritty when needed and smooth and fast when Rascal is on the run. I really love when comics make it so I can't wait for the next issue and this title delivers with magic and more. Denitely worth your time.

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Issue #5 is a great read and is essential in our understanding of the world Johnston and Mitten have created for us. We learn the origins of the Umbral, however, more questions are raised when Dalone returns. What is the Orbis he was speaking of? How did Dalone survive? Most importantly, what is it that the Umbral ultimately want. The Oculus must be more significant than Munty made it out to be if Prince Arthir is trying so desperately to attain it. The continuing struggle of Rascal and her friends comes together nicely in this issue of Umbral and the art by Mitten, Boyd, and Mauer continue to mesmerize. Chasing Shadows, the title of issue six, can't get here soon enough so we can learn more about this spirited and magical land.

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I can't say enough about how incredible this comic book is. The colors, the ink and the story all combine to make something truly amazing, You definitely will not be disappointed picking up this book. The first arc comes to a dramatic close at the end of this month before the Trade captures all six issues together if you would rather wait for that; if you can wait that long.

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This is my first review of Clone and I plan on reviewing the series when each issue is released. In the future the reviews will be more structured and organized when I have more written to reference. I hope you plan on coming back for more and comment whenever you like so we can open a dialogue to talk about this fantastic book.

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Clone is definitely one of my favorite books every month and I can't wait for each subsequent issue to find out what happens next. The art that Juan Jose Ryp delivers each issue never ceases to amaze me. It is truly unique and adds the perfect compliment to the story especially when added with Andy Troy's colors. Whether you are a single-issue reader or someone who waits for the Trade you will not be disappointed.

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This issue was good and the art by Mike Norton always impresses. His crisp lines and facial expressions put us right in the middle of this little town and what each character is going through. Em meets a new and interesting friend in Rhodey, the skateboarding Jesus and I can't wait to learn more about this new Reviver. This is one of my favorite books and I love the noir feel it gives off. The story gets better with each arc the cliffhangers always make you yearn for the next release. I wonder how much the FBI knows and what questions they could possibly have for Dana. Can Dana help Martha avoid the FBI's scrutiny? This will definitely give her the opportunity to be the better big sister that she was hoping for.

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Revival #21 has it all. Great art and an equally incredible story that makes you want more when you're done. That is what a comic book should be. It should make you want more when you finish that last page. And I can't wait for issue #22.

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The art and sequences this issue are nothing short of spectacular. Camuncoli has done a fantastic job with this well-known and well-loved character. Slott has done an amazing job at showing us how much Peter Parker was missed and how much better he handled precarious situations. It's no secret that the ‘Hobson's Choice' situation of Amy Chen was a prelude to the larger one that Otto ultimately had to confront. While Superior Spider-Man has indeed given us some great stories to read having Parker back will be a breath of fresh air and begin a new era for our webbed hero. I personally thought that Otto's demise would have been some ugly act by one of Parker's villains, most likely the Goblin, with someone recovering Parker's memories. Instead, Otto heroically hands over the thrown to the one true Spider-Man. It seemed Otto's reign has ended not with a bang, but a wimper.

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The issue is one of my favorites of the series and definitely my favorite of this arc. Eugene will soon be brought into the mix and Andrea and Carl have something cooking that I think is going to be the series altering event that Kirkman has been hinting at. The story is outstanding and Kirkman delivers on so many levels. Adlard is on top of his game and with Gaudiano and Rathburn you can't help but stare in awe at each page. The splash page in the middle was one of their best and included most of our favorite characters. With 3 issues left in ‘All Out War' you can't help but wonder what Kirkman has hidden up his sleeve. March 26th can't get here soon enough.

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I don't remember the last time a comic had me so concerned about the outcome. Robert Kirkman has really done a masterful job with The Walking Dead and the All Out War arc. He has been teasing that issue #126 is going to be completely unexpected and awesome and it's something we would never guess. I have no idea what it could be. I'm almost certain that the arrow that struck Rick was not tainted and if that's the case then he will heal from it. The only other theory I can come up with is that he will get a fever and turning into a walker will be all but certain until someone, maybe Eugene, comes up with a cure. I could spend all day coming up with strange and odd theories to what I think will be the outcome but that will get us nowhere. What is certain, however, is that Kirkman will deliver an outstanding story once again and Adlard will wow us with art that is out of this world. I suppose only time will tell, one more month to be exact.

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Issue #21 is a definite 'buy' and coupled with Issue #20 would be a great jumping on point for any new reader.

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Mitten, Boyd and Mauer combine to create a visual experience in every issue and they continue their brilliant work in chapter six. I love how unique the art is in Umbral and how it looks like nothing I have seen before. The varying shades of purple make each sequence with the Umbral leap from the page. The writing mixes with the art harmoniously making this a comic book not to be missed. I can't wait to read the next chapter in Rascal's journey and if it's anything like the first one then we are in for a great ride.

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The amazing thing about Black Science is the art by Matteo Scalera and Dean White that transports the reader into each of these pages and into each of these dimensions. White's painted art matches perfectly with the story being told during the rescue/escape scene. The way Scalera draws the characters makes you really feel their emotions especially during (Spoiler) Ward's nal moments and Kadir's sense of guilt. It blows my mind how I nd myself staring at each page for so long in awe and realize how immersed I am in this world they (with writer Rick Remender) created. Black Science has proven itself as a top book worthy of anyone's Pull-List. This particular issue may have lacked in certain areas of dialogue but it sets up a grander story to be told in issues to come. And I can't wait for those issues.

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If you're a fan of the comic you will not be disappointed and this is also a great jumping on point for new readers. The art is incredible and one of the few comics I read that makes me feel like I am truly immersed in this rural world. Revival is only going to get better from here and the stories and characters are getting more fleshed out with each issue.

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You can't help but feel immersed in Conrad's life as each page vividly comes to life through the work of Shawn Martinbrough. Thief of Thieves #20 sets the stage for another caper and action packed arc and knowing Conrad he will navigate through everything that comes his way with ease. We should finally get to see a little history about Lola as well and I look forward to the next interaction between these too interesting characters.

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Thank you for checkin gout my Review and be sure to check back after the next release where we can find out how Jackson will get himself out this sticky situation. Comment below and we can discuss everything Ghosted if you like.

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The issue ends by tying up some loose ends but does not answer a lot of questions that we have. This story-arc was very satisfying and offers readers a unique story with equally amazing art. Fraction and Zdarsky have a true hit on their hands and you will not be disappointed by picking this one up. Single issue buyers definitely will get their money's worth, but if you feel like you would rather wait for the Trade it should be released next week, collecting issues 1 through 5. The colors, by Becka Kinzie, along with art by Chip Zdarsky make this comic book one of the best out there you cannot go wrong with Matt Fraction's unique form of story-telling. Issue #5 is superb and I can't wait to read where Jon and Suzie…interactions…next.

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