Gilad Levin's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Spectrum Reviews: 34
7.6Avg. Review Rating

I wanted to like this issue. I really did. After last month's cliffhanger I was looking forward to the exciting places new writer Gerry Duggan could take the story. Of course, that never happened, instead we get a book I wish I had not spent money on. On the positive side, Paco Medina's art is decent and Sam's little sister telling him that the Avengers TV Show sucks made me laugh. Not enough to salvage the story but it was something.

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Instead of something meaningful or original we get a story that feels like a filler arc on the way towards the Riddler storyline that is the centerpiece of the Zero Year titles. Instead of shining light on lesser known character traits or telling the better known ones in original ways, everything is shoved in the reader's face and the story feels like a complete mess. Exciting? Capullo's art is. The backgrounds reflect the situations perfectly. Always new and different things going on in every page. If only Scott Snyder's story measured up to the art in this issue.

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Worlds' Finest was a waste of my time. It looked like it would be important to me as a DC fan/reader but ended up being a huge disappointment. I'm sorry I bothered with this book, I should have bought and read something else. The only reason this book got 2.5/5 is the decent artwork by RB Silva, Joe Weems, and Ryan Winn.

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I can't help but think about future issues because this issue is setting up so much I'm hoping it will end up delivering as the series goes on. Probably what I want most from the series is Dr. Light. We also get a visit from a surprise villain who we last saw in a Villain Month one shot making it clear that they were NOT a fan of the Secret Society. Could they become an ally to A.R.G.U.S.? I have a feeling some interesting stuff is going to spin out of this.

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In general this was a good read even though I think it missed its initial target. I don't think anyone will remember this story years from now, but if you like space adventures and Green Lantern give this book a try. I f you can get past the first 7 pages you'll be fine. The end makes it obvious that the Green Lantern creative team is getting ready for another event and they have to get Kyle Rayner prepared for it.

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As it stands, the book is overcrowded. In this issue alone we have Superman, Wraith, Lois, Sam Lane, Ascension, Young Clark, Lana and two more characters that joined the party in the end. All of this crammed into a 25 page comic book makes for a rushed story and the strong feeling that some of these guys should be cut out. The problem is, they are necessary for the story. The book's name is SUPERMAN Unchained. How is it a Superman book if Superman is only in 30% of it? Food for thought, Mr. Snyder. This reader wants more Superman in his Superman book. I haven't given up hope yet. Maybe next issue Snyder will get back on track with the caliber of story he told in #3 and #4.

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To be fair, this is an okay story spinning out of an okay event, Infinity. We get to see what happened on Earth as a result of the Avengers leaving it and making a name for themselves across the stars. Hickman didn't invent the wheel with the story but he does manage to deliver an interesting and enjoyable story. I did feel that some of the story was kind of forced and had to happen for no other reason than to move the plot along. Also this issue makes one fact very apparent and doesn't even try to hide it; Maria Hill is being set up as Marvel's version of DC's Amanda Waller. Don't argue, you know it to be true".

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But, the name of the book is "Arkham War", so you'll need more characters than just Bane and the Penguin. For example- Mr. Freeze, but other villains just show up for brief one panel cameos. Instead of developing Bane and explaining his transformation, 3 pages are wasted on pointless scenes of fighting villains. If you want to emphasize that a war is going on, I suggest more wide spread or background shots. That being said, the Forever Evil environment really does these villains justice in this truly thrilling story

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All in all, Judge Dredd: Mega City Two is off to a good start. The storytelling has some flaws but the book is worth giving a shot. I was a bit confused after reading it the first time, but after re-reading it I understood what was going on a lot better. Hopefully editorial will step in and help with script clarity for the next issue.

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Letter 44 is a great "first contact" series. It takes its time and leaves a lot to the imagination without revealing too much information, just enough to keep the reader satisfied. It's a realistic take on first contact and offers a great deal suspense.

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Star Trek #31 is a great book, no doubt about it. But when the book heavily relies on it being a movie tie-in it disappointed me and it was quite difficult looking past that fact. Maybe for other people this story will work better and I can definitely understand that.

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If you've stuck with Superman Unchained after all this time, you're going to likely read this last issue just to see how it ends. It didn't blow me away, but it somehow did its job in wrapping up all the plot threads from the series, albeit in a rushed fashion. As a single satisfying issue, this didn't do as well for me.

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Amazing X-Men #3 is the "Pacific Rim" of comic books. The story is clichd, but I didn't care because it was awesome! Full of exciting visuals by Ed McGuinness & Dexter Vines , I found Amazing X-Men #3 to be enjoyable as Hell (I know, I'm reusing the same joke twice") I did not expect this to be such a pleasant surprise, a highly recommended issue for all X-Men fans.

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Batgirl #28 is a good start for a new story arc. It sets up an interesting story and villain and kept me interested from start to finish. I had a few "Huh?" moments where some things didn't make much sense to me at first, but Batgirl #28 was still an entertaining read.

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Where are the flaws? The story contains way to many sub plots and material to fit in one issue and as a result, the whole story feels rushed. It might have worked if I didn't feel as though the story moved along because it was forced to and not because of a natural progression. There is not enough room for every sub plot, so the whole story felt a bit off. That said, Deadpool #20 is a solid read and is recommended for all Deadpool fans out there.

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There are several reasons I liked this book. First of all, it featured one of my favorite alternate versions of Spider-Man, the noir version. Second, it gave the right amount of story and plot development mixed with the right amount of setup. I enjoyed going into depth on Earth 90214, instead of having the whole book just be Superior Spider-Man traveling between dimensions recruiting Spider-Men. I worked for me as a standalone story, but also as the first issue of an event, as the conflict is shown and the main players are introduced. I'm on board and look forward to the next issue.

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Fantastic Four #1 is a promising start for this new series. Although I disagree with some creative choices, this issue got me interested in a "Fall of ___" story, which I usually consider a cop-out when a writer can't think of anything better. I also appreciated the way previous events were subtly introduced into the story and explained for new readers so that you could enjoy this issue even if you didn't read the previous series.

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Jump onto this crossover with this issue even if you missed chapter one, from the first page I was sold on the great art and storytelling. I look forward to more as the trial continues.

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This issue ends the New52 Vibe series but not the Vibe story. I'm sure he will play some major role in the DC Universe in the future. While at times I found Gates' writing on the series to be confusing and hard to follow, this final issue fixed all those problems and delivered a great ending to a fairly unnecessary JLA spinoff series. Farewell Vibe!

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I was a bit disappointed with writer Al Ewing turning Loki into the protagonist, I'd rather have seen him as an antagonist, but the story does explain the change well enough and the last page is probably one of the best dramatic reveals I've seen. This was an interesting start for the new series that sets up the story for things to come. I'll be back next issue to see where the series takes us from here.

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The title is a key part of Marvel's new MarvelNOW push and it works. It gets you interested in the characters and the introduction to them is done nicely. Despite a small feel of a clichd "teenage struggle" story, I highly recommend it and can't wait for the next issue.

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At it's core, Rogue Trooper #1 is a great story with great characters. If you've never read a comic with this character before you can jump right in and enjoy this issue, everything you need to know is right there. The characters and world are introduced seamlessly as the story unfold. If you're very familiar with the character it's just as enjoyable, though tending to fall into the clichd, as I mentioned above, since nothing particularly new or unique is introduced. So, new reader or old, this was an entertaining comic and well worth reading.

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Superior Spider-Man team up #9 was a pleasant surprise; it was a nice lead-in to the "Goblin Nation" storyline but didn't feel like an unnecessary tie-in book done just to capitalize on the upcoming event. The combination of Spider-Man, Daredevil and Punisher totally worked for me and the chemistry between them was handled perfectly.

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Superman: Lois Lane #1 served as a reminder of why I love Lois Lane. The book features an interesting story, nice art and cool monster designs, a great way to celebrate Lois's 75th anniversary.

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But, as much as I loved this issue, I couldn't buy into the relationship between Turok and Andar. I know Turok saved Andar's life, but his transformation from being Turok's mortal enemy to best friend was rushed and unexplained. Nothing about the relationship worked for me and sadly, it was a big part of the story, which kept me from rating this issue higher. However, for me, this was a big improvement over the last issue; the story kept me interested, the characters are special, and the villain is menacing.

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Wonder Woman #27 is a great start for a new story arc. Wonder Woman is recruiting gods for her personal mission while more eyes are set on her goal than she knows. Something big is brewing in this series and you better jump on now before it's too late.

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Batman and Robin Annual #2 is a must read for any Dick Grayson Robin fan. The book heavily relies on the nostalgia factor and it pays off- I haven't read a Robin story in a while and this story filled the void that existed in me for this kind of story. The timing of the book's release is unmistakable- right before the end of Forever Evil, who knows what will happen with Dick Grayson after that event? Whatever happens, we've got this great story about Dick right here and now.

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The story by Greg Pak is superb. It's interesting and exciting. He delivers an emotional story mixed with great action. I think it's great that the book doesn't dive right into the storyline the previous issue set up, but instead slowly build up to it with this current arc. I did miss Gilad's daughter Xaran and Buck McHenry. I thought that after the ending of the last issue they'd be together, preparing for the coming of the death god, an event that should take place any year now. The two characters could've easily fit into the settings of the story, but that's just nitpicking. This book is fantastic give it a try.

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But by far the most important thing that happened is Tony deciding what to do with Mandarin city. I'm looking forward to seeing how he deals with it. The art and the way the story is told is perfect. The art flows and we get to see Iron Man in his full glory. Iron Man is going to make some changes, we are going to see some big things in the near future. You'd better start reading now or it will be too late. Personally, I'm sold.

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The adventures of a mercenary submarine crew that accepts various jobs from various people to make ends meet and keep the ship running is both simple and rife with possibility for story hooks. I breezed though this issue but was left wanting more in the end, I'll be back for #2.

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This issue is the end of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato's run on The Flash. It has been two years and they are responsible for creating my favorite New 52 series. They will be remembered for the fantastic reincarnation of the Rogues and the spectacular Gorilla War. They have created new, exiting villains that challenged the Flash in many different ways. The new creative team we'll be seeing next issue will have some big shoes to fill.

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I did find something funny with this issue, and I'm not sure if it's on purpose or by accident- but Superman's suit is starting to look more and more like his New 52 costume (and this is clearly not a New52 book)" Hmmm" This new #1 is starting off Injustice Year Two with a bang and the future looks bright— um" grim"

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This issue shouldn't exist. It's not fair that it exists. Superman/Wonder Woman #3 shouldn't be part of an ongoing series. It should be the beginning of a complete standalone graphic novel. The story is so good that splitting it into separate monthly comics ruins it. I can hardly wait for next months issue!

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I think #5 is the best issue of the series thus far. It's fast paced and action-packed from cover to cover. The story is fun and told perfectly- full of exiting events, great dialog and a real feeling of momentum from start to finish. After a slow beginning we finally pick up pace delivering the payoffs to elements issues #1 to 4 were setting up for and the final act kicked into place with a bang. The slow exposition of the previous issues has been replaced with a rather thrilling Star Wars story. I can hardly wait for the conclusion (even though I think I know how it's going to end).

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