Ian Yarington's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Booked Reviews: 14
8.1Avg. Review Rating

I really love western themed movies but aside from a chosen few books I feel like a lot of comics miss the point of westerns. With that being said let me say that Death-Rattler doesn't miss anything in the way it captures the western feel and the overall theme of most of life in the Wild West.

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Sevara is an indie book, from an indie label, but is certainly not lacking in quality. I feel Sevara is creative in writing and premise, as well as art and production.

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Where I feel Future Primitive really hits a home run is with the writing and the back story. Gunstone has an extensive world to build and an intricate story to tell but he takes his time and introduces the story in an easy to follow way. I love the fact that he knows he has an intricate world so he decided to put a small four paragraph intro to the first page; this is good because nothing is worse than having to guess what is going on, especially when it's not familiar in the first place.

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I feel like Mercury Heat could have a long run and the idea of a Mercury police officer has a never ending possibility for story arcs. The combination of Sci-Fi material and the Mercury world building coupled with the police aspect seems like a natural fit as Gillen starts the series off strong.

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I really cant say enough about this book, its brilliantly written and masterfully illustrated, and it tackles a very touchy subject with class and grit all at the same time. My religiously bias based opinion aside I feel this books review would have the same result from an atheist, because its simply well done and the creators took their time to make something good, not just churning out a product for a deadline but really getting themselves involved and making it count.

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Overall I love this book and minus the gore, which doesn't actually bother me, there is no reason to not check this out. In this case the fact that it's only a five book set makes it easier to catch up on and go back to but I'm going to catch this one every month until it's done.

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For me the dystopian style is a hook, I feel social up rising and injustice are compelling because they mirror some of what is going on today and Daley nails it with his dialog between characters. With the amazing art and completely engrossing story I have maybe been overly pleased with this book but I can say for sure that issue three is on my pull list and I hope that it has a nice run.

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I understand that not everyone is into historical fiction but if there is one book out right now that can capture the imagination of the reader through historical fiction, it's this book. I think one of the things that makes this book so interesting is the fact that it is historical, it makes the reader think about more than super powers and other typical comic book things. There is nothing wrong with super powers and supernatural things but the break from the norm and the content of this book is refreshing and I'm keeping it on my pull list until it runs its course.

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I feel that Shahrazad is creatively written and masterfully drawn and lettered, not sure what else I could ask for in a book.

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For my money one can never go wrong with reincarnated spiritual leaders with martial arts skills and the crew at Liquid Comics has successfully re-birthed this sort of story into something new and exciting.

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Issue three is certainly action packed and services the story lines but they leave both story lines with plenty to tell as they set up for issue four. As I said before the world is wonderful and not over crowded with aliens and sci-fi imagery, the story is what grabs us and the story is what leaves the reader wanting more. At this point in the book Im already invested but my desire to know what happens with Maia as well as what happens with her journal in the hands of Babb will have me picking up issue four. This is one of those books that is very well written and has underlying themes attached to the story that will have the reader thinking about it until the next issue is out and I couldnt ask for anything more when reading any sort of a book, sci-fi or otherwise.

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I feel McClelland did a great job making a popular but over serviced genre feel different from the others by mixing it up and placing it during a pivotal time in history. I was pleasantly surprised with Mother Russia and will certainly be checking out the conclusion in issue three.

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I would recommend this book from issue one to here because the story is progressive and each book builds on the next but believe me it's worth the read.

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The story arc continuation is solid and nothing out of the ordinary from an ongoing book and the way that the first two issues leave us is acceptable to say the least. I cant stand books that leave us with little or no satisfaction or abruptly like they simply took a book and broke it up, and the first two dont do that. They pick pivotal points and leave us with a hook but they do it tastefully and at logical points in the story. Even though the points are logical and nice they leave us wanting more and that is certainly a sign of a good book.

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