Jack Johnston's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: We The Nerdy Reviews: 40
7.5Avg. Review Rating

8house #3

Sep 3, 2015

8 House continues to be an amazing series that brings a world to life. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of Kiem and it's more scifi stance which is regularly juxtaposed against the fantasy setting of the other series. If you're willing to take a risk and give something new a shot this week, go for Kiem. I don't think you'll be disappointed

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A-Force #5

Oct 14, 2015

If you want to try something new, think Secret Wars is boring or ever had a place or time that you cared about I suggest you give A-Force a shot.

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Angela: Queen Of Hel #1

Oct 27, 2015

The only thing I could fault the writing of the issue is the amount of jumping around there is chronologically, usually I'm fine with this sort of thing but in twenty pages of story (by the way, twenty pages of story for 3.99?!) there is a total of five major time-jumps, including one into a memory/vision and one out of the same memory/vision. Overall, I'd say if you want to get started on what will be a great fantasy series, then look no further than Angela: Queen of Hel, with memorable characters and an interesting world it's sure to be an entertaining read.

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Ant-Man (2015) Annual #1

Jul 17, 2015

Overall I really enjoyed this annual which surprised me as I often find them very tacked on and out of place but fortunatley the event that is Secret Wars allows this to fit snugly between arcs, therefore feeling more like a continuation of the story and nods to the previous arc help carry this through as well. If you have been following the series up to now it is well worth your time and if you haven't but you're interested in jumping in, this would serve as a good point as it does a good job of introducing and fleshing out characters and relationships.

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Arclight #2

Aug 4, 2015

8House is a perfect example of why I love independent comics; it's an amazing world that you couldn't see brought to life with the same passion through a non-creator owned publisher and is shown to you through perfectly executed moments that just wouldn't come across as brilliantly in any other medium. I look forward to seeing what future installments have in store and recommendthat youpick it up.

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Betty & Veronica (2016) #1

Jul 21, 2016

I know my reviews tend to be longer and the overviews a bit more poignant but B&V is amazing and you should get it! Get it now! Why don't you have it? Oh? I haven't mentioned the art? It's Adam-fudging-Hughes! Your eyes will bleed trying to comprehend how great it looks! If you come up to me in the street and ask I will buy you this comic! GET IT!GET IT!GET IT!GET IT!GET IT!GET IT! GET IT! GET IT! GET IT! GET IT! GET IT! GET IT! GET IT! GEEEEET IIIIIIT!

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Danger Girl: Renegade #1

Sep 1, 2015

Danger Girl#1 may be the worst first issue I have seen, spending most of it's time on boring action sequences and leaving meaningful character introductions or plot set up as an after thought. I, for one, am not looking forward to any future releases of this series and suggestyou to maybe give it a miss if you don't have to get it.

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Dark Corridor #1

Aug 4, 2015

Dark Corridor is a huge undertaking and I'm interested to see where this rather unique idea will go. Crime stories often have to have slow introductions and I think I can count the ones that pull off a fast-paced intro successfully in one hand, unfortunately this doesn't translate fantastically to a monthly issue format as it can be up to four months before the ball really gets rolling and often leaves the best crime comics with only a cult following. The set-up of Dark Corridor threatens to exacerbate this problem even more by splitting each issue into two or more stories. I wouldn't say ignore Dark Corridors completely, it shows tonnes of promise and is to only get better from here on. If you're OK with a slow burn then absolutely give it a chance and pick it at your local LCS but if you find the story to be lagging then it might be best to watch outfor the trade.

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Descender #5

Jul 8, 2015

Overall I think Descender is a great read, which I believe is under appreciated and would widely recommend as it is only going to get better as the story and characters develop.

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Descender #14

Aug 17, 2016

All in all, unless you love little more than looking at Nguyen's panels (and boy do I!) then I'd suggest you maybe don't hope for the great insight we saw the last two issues. That goes for both those of you who are long-time readers and those just starting, as the issue only moves the plot in the last four pages, which if you want is just below, and the issue doesn't really accomplish its objective of endearing Bandit to us. Compared to the exploration we see in other characters throughout this series who have had less panels devoted to them (looking at you Tim-22) this just doesn't measure up.

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Detective Comics (2016) #937

Jul 27, 2016

This series has been absolutely exceptional so far and this issue has not let it down, with amazing revelations abound which I didn't really touch on because spoilers but trust me, they're good). I would heartily recommend this book as it has convinced me to finally put a Batman title on my pull list

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Doctor Fate (2015) #1

Jun 19, 2015

Overall I get the impression that Levitz was told to give DCMs. Marvelbut different. I mean this in that the issue has similar tones, a young main character who has to deal an with older generation (their parents) unexpectedly obtaining mysterious superpowers with a supporting cast of their peers. There is more than that but I'm afraid I can't quite put my finger on it. My main problem with the issue is that it lacks its own unique character and I'm incredibly underwhelmed by it. The series may improve as time goes on, I certainly hope so and look forward to finding out, but a lot of improvement needs to be carried out in order for Doctor Fate to make me feel ‘whelmed'.

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Faith #1

Jul 21, 2016

The comedy may miss every so often but when it hits, it's pretty memorable. I quite enjoyed reading Faith's story and learning about this awkward yet relatable, telekinetic heroine and intend to follow it in the coming months to see were it goes (hopefully a film starring Rebel Wilson).

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Godzilla in Hell #2

Aug 25, 2015

Godzilla In Hell #2 is a fantastic journey from start to finish and is laden withfan favourites of the series. If you missed #1 then this is still the perfect opportunity to jump on board (I'd even say a better opportunity) and you won't be disappointed. I really can't stress how impressed I am by the art, it's so cool that I'm planning on buying two copies; one to keep and read and another to take my favourite panels from and create a sort of collage.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #9

Aug 13, 2015

Gotham Academy #9 is a fantastic continuation of what is already a great series. It has its awkwardmoments, although they are smoothed outa good bit compared toprevious issues, and I'd try to push it on anyone that enjoys your standard highschool drama romp. My main problemis thatthroughout this run, Olive doesn't have an outstanding personality to call her own and I think that she could benefit from an experience like issue 7 to flesh her out for the readers. I look forward to seeing how the story will go in the future and hope that those bronze-age style covers #5 and #6 had will make a glorious come-back for the end of this arc as well.

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Green Arrow (2016) #4

Aug 3, 2016

If you're looking to get into Green Arrow I'd say go get the Kevin Smith collection, that just recently came out, then get the Rebirth issue when you're down with that and by then this arc should be over and you can follow on from there. If you're like me and you've been up to date so far then this is a minor blip in the arc before the climax but I don't think this storyline with the Ninth Circle will be memorable as a whole.

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Jughead (2015) #7

Jun 16, 2016

Zdarsky manages to bring back some of the old charm that first made the series so popular while bringing forward new ideas and themes that are sure to keep it fresh. This story and the way it's handed will be quite different from our first foray some months back but so far Chip and Derek are doing an excellent job to maintain such a high quality of comedy and the more sincere moments are definitely something to be really proud of. If you haven't been keeping up with Jughead or Archie, don't worry this is a perfect jumping on point and you simply MUST pick it up this week (if you don't, I'll know).

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Justice League (2016) #3

Aug 17, 2016

This issue is pretty much par for the course of Justice League since Rebirth to me, which isn't necessarily a good thing. While other series are trying new things and seeing what they can do, JL is content putting out some run-of-the-mill stuff the likes of which we've seen plenty of times before.It's not brilliant. It's not horrible. It's Justice League.

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Long Walk To Valhalla #1

Jul 16, 2015

Reading through this review I think I come across as rather hard so I feel I must end by saying that I did enjoy the book, although it did take me a few rereads and some time to think about it to appreciate it. The characters are enjoyable and you do genuinely feel the warmth between Rory and Joe although there are some issues with the framing devices of Sylvia and Rory intruding too muchand I still question what I was supposed to leave thinking and feeling. Overall I think that Long Walk to Valhalla is a promising enough beginning to what I hope will be two exceptional careers.

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Low (2014) #8

Jul 28, 2015

In the end, I love Low and I'm a huge fan of the series. Low has been a fantastic story so far that explores the depths of the human soul and what it will do when faced with an end that can't be stopped. If you're looking to get into the series I recommend you either pick up the trade paper backof the first arc or start at #7 (which serves as a great stand-alone) and continue on from there (the first arc does have a slow intro).

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Negative Space #1

Jul 7, 2015

Finally I'd like to say that this issue managed to successfully set expectations for itself at the beginning then shatter them by the end for me. I'd highly recommend this series to anyone and I highly look forward to reading the rest of the story as it come out.

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Negative Space #2

Sep 21, 2015

One of the thing's that was so good about the first book was that it didn't waste a single page or panel, everything that was there needed to be for some reason or another. But here, there are several instances of moments that could have been avoided with minor changes and didn't really lend anything to the story. The most key example of this I can find is in the Stranger's headquarters when a turncoat for the Kindred tries to blow up Beta; it's a pretty lengthy scene but it doesn't do anything special, the duo gain access to a Kindred sub but it could have just as easily been written that the Stranger's had made a sub and not had that lengthy scene, Guy has a good monologue moment but that would have been placed during the Kindred raid at the beginning.

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Negative Space #3

Jan 22, 2016

I have contained most of my comments to the first two thirds of the book so as to avoid spoiling major plot points but the remainder is a continuation of the high quality i have described here. Negative Space issue three barrels out of the gate and with a dense atmosphere and memorable characterisation, immediately proves to me that Negative Space will be my topseries of 2016 as it was 2015.

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Negative Space #4

Apr 13, 2016

Negative Space #4 is a perfect send off for Lindsay and Gieni's twisted tale, with everything that has made the series great to date condensed down into a single issue. If you haven't read the series yet, I strongly recommend you ask your LCS to track down the issues or wait until the TPB is released as Negative Space is truly a tour de force.

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Planet Hulk #5

Sep 10, 2015

In short, I have no idea what the focus or messagefor this series was supposed to be. There's some good ideas that, had they been used differently, did havethe potential forcreating some memorable moments.Instead,we have a storyline that doesn't really go anywhere or say anything worthwhile, which I will forget about in a month or so, and characters that don't really feel like the ones they're based off of. If you're on the fence as to whether or not the SWA Planet Hulk series is for you, I'd recommend you probably sit it out, but if you've read to this point and you really want to see how it ends or just round off the series then go for it, it has a couple of good moments but the bad does outweigh the good.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1

Jul 27, 2016

I honestly see no reason to invest in this comic or series. It centers around a unlikable character that seems more annoying than anything, and a plot premise that's so worn out I'm pretty sure even the Power Rangers have used it at some point (if not multiple times). I question why this comic had to be made and if someone were to give me the trade for free when it comes out I probably wouldn't read it.

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Secret Identities #5

Jun 17, 2015

Overall I really enjoyed this issue, as an exploration of the other Front Line members and progression of the plot it was everything I wanted. My only real gripe is questioning what it's all building towards, is it Crosswind's plot? Is it the fate of Gaijin's brother? Is it the oncoming invasion? The story has so many threads up in the air already, with more sure to come from the other Front Line members, I fear it may get lost in them.

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Semiautomagic #1

Jun 30, 2016

If you read Stange Nation and were left wanting more or if you want to see breath-taking action married with heart-stopping horror and suspense, Semiautomagic is for you. De Campi's writing is perfectly blended with Ordway's art and sense of flair when it comes to creating this pulp adventure marvel, grab it while you can.

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Sons of the Devil #2

Jun 25, 2015

Overall Ilike Sons of the Devil and am looking forward to finding out answers to all the series has been raising although I hope that they do make their leads more real than the cardboard cut outs they currently feel like. If I had to sum up issue two as briefly as possible I would say that it messed the bed in the first half but quickly changedand washedthe sheets in the second half as well ashoovering the house just to make up for it.

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Star Wars: Lando #2

Aug 13, 2015

If you're a fan of Star Wars but wanted to see a more smooth operator than Han or Luke at the helm than look no further than Lando. This series is fast becoming everything I hoped it would be and think that it works well in tone alongside books likeDeadLetters. I do wonder if the series might have possibly worked better as a TV drama but then I feel it wouldn't be able to have great scenes such as the ‘dog fight' between the three Star Destroyers and Lando's stolen craft. If you're looking for a little something a bit different than most series out right now, among the big two and independents, then giveLando a try by picking up either #2 (which isn't a bad jumping on point) or #1 if you can.

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Stringers #1

Jul 27, 2015

I would recommend Stringers to people but honestly it wouldn't be on my list of mini series that you HAVE to read. Nick and Paul look like a pair that's worth watching and I'm interested to see where the climax at the end of the book leads but honestly I think the issue spent just a little too much time on the car chase (the exchange with Speez the Sleeze really did seem to go on longer than necessary for example) and could have progressed a bit further with the plot but then we might not have the great cliff hanger that was shown to us. The series does seem promising however and I'm looking forward to seeing what places it'll go.

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Superman: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

In the end Superman Rebirth does a fantastic job summing up all you need to know for both new and returning readers, although those that have stayed in the know in recent times may want to give it a miss. Rebirth already seems to be delivering on its promises of bringing DC continuity back to the fore, with a returning, married Superman carrying on the legacy of the fallen. I eagerly await next week's release of Action Comics with our favorite Machiavellian foe, Lex Luthor, taking on the cape as his own version of Man of Steel and the continuing chronicle of Superman the week after.

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Superwoman (2016) #1

Aug 10, 2016

The art isn't amazing but serviceable. People sometimes look really weird though, such as Lex Luthor's first appearance this issue.There's a reference to the famous line ‘You've got me? Who's got you?' Well done, cheesy but in good way.I really like the Superwoman designs, very cool with what I assume are small references to Supermans' costumes when he split into red and blue forms in the 90s. (If you haven't read that yet, go do it. It's stupid, campy fun).I really enjoyed Superwoman. It was something that I wasn't expecting to be impressed by, yet here we are with some interesting characters, fun twists and a plot that looks like it's going places. With one of the best #1's I've seen put out by the Big Two in a while, I think Phil Jiminez is onto something great.

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The Kings of The Wasteland #1

Aug 20, 2015

Overall The Kings of The Wasteland has a long way to go if it wants to make a name for itself, it is an interesting enough premise but unfortunately the characters are all very bland in the first issue and the action comes off as clunky. Usually in these sort of stories it is the world that is the most interesting facet but we're told very little of it here and the outlook on learning any more in the future looks bleak. The series may well improve as it continues on, if it finds its own flavour, but right now, in my opinion, it is just very bland and I often view that less favourably than something which was experimental but not well executed.

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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #0

Dec 22, 2016

Overall, I'd say this book didn't reach out and grab me by the lapels and there is certainly more thrilling stuff to read that's out this week (I'm sure Chad has found some indie comic he'd love to recommend). But that's not really the job of a #0, that's what a #1 is for. Captain Marvel can be an interesting character and there are plenty of stories that she can fit into that I'd love to read, this book does a great job of introducing you to that character and hinting at what this story may be but unfortunately little else.

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The Shadow Glass #2

Apr 22, 2016

Overall I would say that if the occult and Elizabethan setting intrigues you enough then give The Shadow Glass a go, but otherwise its weak central characters and slow plotstops me from fully recommending this.

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The X-Files: Season 11 #1

Aug 12, 2015

I would describe the premiere of season eleven as luke-warm maybe even flaccid. After such a long wait, great expectations were built, but unfortunately these have yet to bemet. It feels as though the issue was approached as though it were the first episode of a newseason in a long running TV show. But the problem is a single issue doesn't have the real-estate an episode of the show did and so the recapping and explanationsfeel forced. You can almost see what had to be cut out to fit them in. I think that the first trade paperbackwill probably succeed in having all the plotand characterdevelopmentthe first two to three episodes of the show might have had and should be the point people jump in. As for the single issue my opinion is much the same as for the annual, if you just can't wait get it, you can reread season 10 and wait for the TPB.

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Thor (2014) #8

Jun 23, 2016

I have been exceptionally hard on this issue but that's only because I've really loved this series up to recently and I know that Aaron can make it more fantastic and more awe-inspiring than what has been put in front of us here. The series has regained the adjective ‘Mighty' although I feel that this particular issue should have left that out as it didn't really have what makes a Mighty Thor comic, well… Mighty . There was no action at all and what little fantasy that was present was uninspired. I look back to the start of Jane Foster as Thor orThe God Butcherstory and I wonder where that sense of adventure that's been missing these past issues went. The Thors are my favourite heroes but I'm beginning to consider dropping the run from my pull list as Hercules has become a far more interesting read and The Mighty Thor is at risk of becoming the worst thing a series could ever be, forgettable.

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X-Files Annual 2015 #1

Jul 28, 2015

I thought the issue was great despite this and told a good story with some great lines from Mulder and Scully (although Mulder was much more prominent) and would have loved for it to have been fleshed out to a full episode with a bit more focus on some side-plot. Unfortunately I have to question if it's really worth the $7.99 price tag on this single issue and really all I can say is; if you're a die hard X-Files fan that can't wait for season 11 of the comic or the new series this is a great way to tie you over(especially with the lengthy sneak at season 11 #1).If you want to get into the series, maybe it's best you give this a miss altogether and wait for the new series, read season 10 (it eases you in pretty well), watch the show from the beginning on NetFlix or whatever orplay the PS2 game (Resist or Serve) and decide if you like it.

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Zodiac Starforce #1

Aug 25, 2015

Zodiac Star Force #1 is the comic of the month in my mind, taking a cool spin on the Magical Girl genre in order to make it more accessible to a western audience in a manner that doesn't water down any of the conceptsthat make the genre so fun but rather, enhances them and adds a few more to the mix. It promises to be a fantastic journey for people who love magical girl stories, those who have never read one and even those who don't necessarily care for them. I wish that the second issue was already out and am dreading the wait for it already.

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