Jeremiah Gagnon's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Pastrami Nation Reviews: 20
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Dungeons & Dragons: A Darkened Wish #3

Oct 8, 2019

If you have ever played D&D before, you can for sure see this as if it was being played out over the tabletop. Some areas felt like someone had rolled a Nat20 and areas where someone failed a saving throw. Especially the last few pages of the comic, from when the soldier tells them about the village, all the way to the end. It all felt just like a group of people had played this out, and this is the shortened version of that story. Even the battle at the end felt like a D&D battle and even gave me a flashback to a recent boss battle in my current campaign.

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Dungeons & Dragons: At the Spine of the World #1

Nov 14, 2020

All in all, I am happy with the comic book. It feels like they took the best parts of a session, wrote them down, and drew out what happened for us to read and see. They leave us with a glimpse of some dastardly deeds and a glimpse of what will come next time around. I am eager to read the next issue. As a DM, this has helped me with storytelling, and I think I will be able to use what I've learned in my own games. If you play D&D, I would recommend you share this with your fellow players and DMs so you can get more of your fill of D&D content when you aren't able to play. After all, more D&D is not a bad thing, especially for those with writer's block.

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Dungeons & Dragons: At the Spine of the World #2

Jan 31, 2021

All in all, I enjoyed what I read. I am looking forward to reading more; I hope that this story will last awhile and have many comic book issues, maybe even adding more adventures in Ice Winddale once this current one is finished.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Fells Five #1

Aug 1, 2021

Overall, I loved this entire book! From the interactions with the characters to how they see and experience the world. The scenes were well put together, and the story that was being told was written well. The entire time I felt like I read the adventures from a real table just without any of the dice rolling or out-of-game talk. This book is for sure a book any D&D player and especially any Dungeon Master should add to their collection. I, for one, really want to play out the adventures depicted in this book and see what another group of adventures will do.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Ghosts #2

Jun 15, 2020

Overall this comic book was made for a kind of comic book reader that is not me. I can respect what they are trying to do and the story they are trying to tell. It is a story of love and loss, and why it is important not to make desperate and rash decisions. There is very little violence and lots of drama and love. If you are the kind of reader that loves light horror and romantic drama, you might just like to give this a read.

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Jupiter Jet: The Forgotten Radio OGN

Dec 5, 2020

Overall, I really enjoyed this volume of Jupiter Jet. The next one seems like it's going to explain more of the lore of this world. I even love that they very lightly teased it right in the middle of this story, helping set up a bigger underlying story. I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of space westerns and jet packs. I have high hopes for the next volume in the series.

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Lost Soldiers (2020) #3

Oct 20, 2020

Overall, this comic book is an okay read if you like crotchety old men who are skilled in the art of warfare.

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Magic (2021) #11

Mar 3, 2022

Overall this book is fine, and I'm sure that once they create a graphic novel, the parts I don't like won't be an issue. It would be cool if they later put in a battle that feels more like an MTG game. If you are into MTG, you should follow along with this story. It also has some Dungeons and Dragons feel to it, which is nice for D&D players like me. It would be interesting if they ever did a crossover with D&D too. I hope to see great things from this series and look for future comic books featuring Magic The Gathering.

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Magic (2021) #12

Mar 3, 2022

Overall this book is fine, and I'm sure that once they create a graphic novel, the parts I don't like won't be an issue. It would be cool if they later put in a battle that feels more like an MTG game. If you are into MTG, you should follow along with this story. It also has some Dungeons and Dragons feel to it, which is nice for D&D players like me. It would be interesting if they ever did a crossover with D&D too. I hope to see great things from this series and look for future comic books featuring Magic The Gathering.

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Marvel Action: Captain Marvel #1

Sep 2, 2019

I am pleased to have been able to read this and to learn a little bit more about Captain Marvel. Overall I think that this was a great read and it makes me want to keep up with Carol Danvers and her adventures. For me, the artwork of a comic book is critical and plays a significant factor on what my level of enjoyment with the comic book is. This comic book has managed to capture my attention span and held it hostage until I finished looking at the last panel.

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Marvel Action: Captain Marvel (2021) #3

Jun 9, 2021

The mystery of who is behind all of this and how they managed to trap Captain Marvel, the strongest Avenger, has made me curious.

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Marvel Action: Spider-Man #8

Sep 22, 2019

Overall this issue felt like an extended cutscene right before you play the video game. While I did enjoy reading this and I am overall happy with it, the break in my reading flow removed my sense of immersion and getting lost in the pages. I do look forward to what the future is for this spider trio.

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Marvel Action: Spider-Man (2021) #1

May 2, 2021

Overall this comic book is good for what it is. While I hope that it gets back to the spider trio and their adventures eventually, I am glad to see a younger Peter living his life and figuring out how to balance his superhero life and school life. Depending on the route they take this, it will be a nice change to see what events play out in young Parker's life that turn him into the adult that he is in volume 1 & 2. This is definantally a story for younger readers who are newer to Spider-Man, and I would recommend it to any middle schooler or even young high schooler looking for a place to start reading Spider-Man.

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Murder Hobo: Chaotic Neutral #1

May 10, 2021

Overall this is a pleasant break from the seriousness of some of the other D&D adventures I have read and even ran in my games. As fun as playing a serious game is, its always a nice break to take things easy and enjoy the game. This comic book felt like someone decided to play some D&D, but they werent trying to accomplish any kind of quest; they were trying to see what they could do and how much fun they could have while doing it. It reminded me of the first adventure I ever played in several years ago, but that is a story for another day. If you ever want to take a break from serious adventures and relax with some bloody fun, then this comic book is the one for you.

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Oscar Martin's Solo: The Survivors of Chaos #1

Jan 12, 2020

This feels like they took inspiration from multiple stories and stuffed them into a single graphic novel. While combat and death are the main aspects of the story, there is an aspect of love and romance in this story similar to that of John Carter from the Barsoom series.

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Rick and Morty (2015) #59

Feb 29, 2020

My overall impression of this comic book is that it feels as though I am simply reading a storyboard for an episode of the show. Even with my minor issues, I would happily recommend this issue to any fan of the show who I know likes comic books; in fact, I would tell them to look up the last three issues of “The Rickoning” and also the next and final part to this entire story. If you aren't familiar with what happened previously, then do not fret becauseMr. Poopy Buttholewill be there to get you up to speed.

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Rogue Sun (2022) #1

Mar 22, 2022

Overall I enjoyed reading this. This seems like a story that will be worth reading and to keep up with. They don't hold your hand and provide little details here and there to show us that there is more going on in this world than just what we see. I have questions that I hope will be answered as the story progresses: who is Mr. Abernathy, and why does he know Rogue Sun? What is Rogue Sun's power set? What are his weaknesses? Who are the supervillains who mask themselves and have gone toe to toe with Rogue Sun in the past? How will Dylan learn to control his new found powers? I am eager to know the answers and see how deep Rogue Sun goes.

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Sonic The Hedgehog (2018) #20

Sep 10, 2019

Overall, the artwork helps you to connect to a great story with lots of different characters to root for. There are layers of mystery abound as you dive deeper into the story. I wonder what happens next

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #21

Feb 2, 2020

Overall, I think this is a great comic book, and if you are reading the series, you won't want to miss this. If you haven't read it, then I suggest you read this if you are a fan of grittier darker Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They have a lot of really cool things going, and it feels as though they have a few different storylines going on, and they can connect while also remaining separate to bring you a complete story. My biggest question while reading this is, what happened to Master Splinter?

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The Wizerd: The Potion of Dreams #1

Jul 20, 2020

This feels like a good example of what a railroaded game would look like and could give someone who doesn't know anything about them a rough idea of the general play of a tabletop role-playing game. If you are someone who has experience with TTRPGs or are well versed in fantasy culture, you may want to pass this one up.

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