Dungeons & Dragons: Fells Five #1 View Preview
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Dungeons & Dragons: Fells Five #1

Writer: John Rogers Artist: Andrea Di Vito Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: June 30, 2021 Cover Price: $39.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Expand on your gaming experience with this graphic novel that includes three Game Adventures featuring the characters of Fell's Five!

Join Adric Fell, the halfling Bree Three-Hands, the dwarf Khal Khalundurrin, the tiefling Tisha Swornheart, and the elf Varis in a tale of high adventure and deep secrets. Adric Fell leads a band of wayward heroes in a world where civilization has been reduced to a few scattered points of light amid a rising tide of shadows.

Plus, play as the heroes of the book in three Game Adventures created for this series, replicating pivotal scenes in the story as roleplaying game encounters. You can use more

  • 10
    Pastrami Nation - Jeremiah Gagnon Aug 1, 2021

    Overall, I loved this entire book! From the interactions with the characters to how they see and experience the world. The scenes were well put together, and the story that was being told was written well. The entire time I felt like I read the adventures from a real table just without any of the dice rolling or out-of-game talk. This book is for sure a book any D&D player and especially any Dungeon Master should add to their collection. I, for one, really want to play out the adventures depicted in this book and see what another group of adventures will do. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    But Why Tho? - Max Funkey Jul 3, 2021

    From the strong character work to the beautiful art and colors, this series is a success on every level. Add to that thirty or so pages of meaningful extras, and suddenly you have an excellent collection of a series that perfectly encapsulates what makes D&D so great. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    AIPT - Colin Moon Jun 30, 2021

    While competently made, Fell's Five never manages to fully embrace either its medium or its source material. Read Full Review

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