Jess Roth's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics: The Gathering Reviews: 4
6.3Avg. Review Rating

Despite Shadow of the Batgirl's short length, it fires on all cylinders to pack quite the memorable punch. Here's to hoping we'll see a sequel.

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If you're wanting to check out this book, either as a fan of Zatanna or as a gift for your kids, I only have one word of warning: Zatanna and the House of Secrets is fun and colourful and heartfelt, but even for a middle-grade book, it reads pretty young. It seems to hit the bullseye between fourth and fifth grade. If you have a bookworm in your house that's too young for the likes of Mera: Tidebreaker or Shadow of the Batgirl, but too old for DC Superhero Girls, Zatanna and the House of Secrets feels like a nice compromise that exudes magic, optimism and joy.

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Is Fire Power the greatest thing ever? Not yet, but it also doesn't seek to reinvent the wheel. For what it is, it's a lot of fun, and if you're looking for a new quarantine read that won't send you spiralling into an existential crisis, Fire Power is the one you want.

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Now, disabled people are not a monolith and I acknowledge my expectations for this book were astronomical. If you think you or someone you know might be able to glean something from The Oracle Code, please pick it up because it could make all the difference in the world to someone who wants to be seen and heard. It's really hard for me to rate this, let's be honest, but the art and colours give it at least two extra points, so make of that what you will.

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