Joshua Rathburn's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Outright Geekery Reviews: 5
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Valiant has been releasing a new series every last Wednesday of the month and Faith And The Future Force 1 is the new series that you need to pick up. It was an absolute blast to read and every page looked great. If you aren't familiar with some of the supporting cast, it's okay because there's not too much crammed in front of you. A lot of the fun with this series is going to be how much of Valiant's universe is pulled in and how they interact with the situation. I cannot wait. I hope you cannot either.

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You should give Dread Gods 1 a chance. This is the ground floor for what these creators are trying to accomplish. It feels different than everything else that is out there and it's that kind of approach to comics that makes the books much more rewarding.

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When you look at the quality of the story, the art and the extras that are thrown into this book, you can just tell it's the next big hit from Black Mask Studios. Don't miss this one. Highly recommended.

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This is a strong first issue. I could see some being put off by the comments that Cain makes about God. I have no such reservations. This would be pre-Apocalypse, if that was such a term. But, with all the work that Aaron has coming out, this is one that truly should be noticed. The characters are interesting enough. The world building is impressive. Meshed together, it's a great first issue of what should surely be another stand-out title and one that may be as great as Aaron and Guera's Scalped.

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Not much great about Unity. Part of the problem is all the male protagonists in this book have their own titles and they are great books(Eternal Warrior's new title dropped this week) and what would have been better is to focus more on Livewire. My one true gripe with Unity, apart from just being lackluster.

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