Julestrue's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Outright Geekery Reviews: 20
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Ant-Man (2015) #5

May 8, 2015

This title is hilarious. A total spot on depiction of one of Marvel's smallest heroes. Spencer/Rosanas are a perfect pairing to update my favorite Avenger, and I look forward to every issue that follows. I hope you will heed my advice and pick this title up and makre its on your pullist!

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Archie (2015) #2

Aug 22, 2015

I have never really been an Archie fan. But they have made a believer out of me. Through the first two issues I have begun to dive in to the luscious history, and I am fan now. Archie Comics are a great way to pass the time. As I've gotten older I find myself reading more slice of life comics, and have no idea why I never got into Archie. SO read Archie, its all the feels and a good time.

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Avengers (2012) #37

Oct 24, 2014

Hickman's Avengers is honestly a cut above the rest, this has for me been the flag ship of the whole Marvel Now movement and continues to feel that way as it gets molded into so many different things. It may not be your parents Avengers, for that I def recommend Al Ewing's Mighty Avengers. However this is certainly my kind of Avengers.

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Batman (2011) #43

Aug 17, 2015

Snyder and Capullo are still telling a strong story on Batman. I'm certainly still here for as long as they are. The only surving creative team from the New 52 launch. Here at a very different time at DC. The issue is stellar and the one you really need to read before you dismiss Robobat. Was very clutch way to keep me attached till the end of the ride

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Book Of Death: The Fall of Ninjak #1

Aug 31, 2015

This is a stellar issue. Valiant of course delivers in the art department every time. Kindt has really found a voice in Ninjak. I've become really impressed with everything he's accomplished at Valiant. I know I don't normally review the Valiant stuff, mostly handled by my fellow Geeker Henry. Sorry Henry I jumped at the chance to review a title I have also been really enjoying. I can't praise the Valiant line more than Henry but I can chime in and agree they are making some serious moves over there. If you haven't checked any of it out, do yourself a favor and do!

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Civil War (2015) #3

Aug 31, 2015

I know its just another Secret War tie-in. But seriously if you are a fan of the original event, this is a cool place. It really nails the feel the so much like it could have been where Civil War lead to. I can't wait to see where they take it. I'm sad its coming to an end. Like a lot of these tie-ins I'm gonna sad when its over. If you are gonna check out one of the tie-ins, this is the one.

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Deadly Class #6

Jul 1, 2014

Once again if you haven't touched this title yet I ask, what is your problem?! This title is awesome. Wes Craig and Rick Remender have just created the kind of story that is gritty, funny, and entertaining. Every issue seems to somehow outdo the issue prior. I've been thoroughly enjoying this title. I'm a lil upset that the next issue won't drop till September which gives you plenty of time to catch up on this wonderful title!

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Deathlok (2014) #6

Mar 27, 2015

This title is awesome everytime. Deathlok has always been one of those characters I could never really get into as much, but this title is just plain awesome. If you are looking for an intense scifi military story this is what you've been looking for and it is good. Nathan Edmonson has been really on fire lately and deserves your attention. Take it from a guy who hates the Punisher, doesn't care for Deathlok, and wasn't sure about a new Black Widow title, and I reading all three first thing each week they come out.

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House Of M (2015) #1

Aug 23, 2015

It may not be my original House of M, but it was an awesome refresher from one of my favorite stories. I think Dennis Hopeless is the man to tell this story and know now that Marco Failla is the man to paint the picture. House of M #1 has certainly become one of my favorite Secret Wars Tie-in, I think you should check it out.

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Injection #1

May 15, 2015

Injection #1 is a solid start to what should be a great weird read. As a huge fan of Warren Ellis I am stoked to see what will come next from this title. Now as a Shalvey/Bellaire fan I really hoping this title goes all the places those two can create together. Like seriously creative team alone has me yearning for the next issue.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #2

Jun 12, 2014

This was a strong follow up to what I though was a great relaunch to a title I have enjoyed since the beginning. Bendis just knows what he's doing with the Ultimate Spider-Man and I'm just gonna have to trust he knows what he's doing and not going senile on me here. I know he know what he's doing I just had to take a quick dig after I saw that All-New X-men cover I felt a little slighted. I'm still sold and waiting on the next one, and you should be grabbing it!

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1

Jun 30, 2014

I hated the issue honestly. Such a disappointing first issue. I understand there will be a lot to build onto the story from here, but I'm just not gonna make that commitment after this. A double size issue and I still don't think it was worth the money I spent. I'm sorry when I say I just did not enjoy this issue at all. Like I said Azaceta's art was very cool and would be awesome to look at in an other story but not enough to keep me on this title. It was just not my bag.

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Secret Wars (2015) #1

May 7, 2015

This is a bold move for Marvel to make. A publisher that has prided itself on its long history and maintained continuity. I think it's in the best hands. It's rare for me to say the first issue of any event can stand on its own and is probably one of the best issue's I've got to read in a long time, but this is it. This one got me, and I hope it gets you too.

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Secret Wars (2015) #2

May 15, 2015

Secret Wars #2 is absurdly fun. A total homage to the fantasy epics of old and new. I can honestly say Hickman and Ribic have totally taken apart the Marvel Universe and made something so different and so glorious it deserves a toast. A toast of Meadespecifically of course. I strongly suggest you not only pick it up but give it a couple reads because there is a whole lot going on in this issue.

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Secret Wars (2015) #5

Aug 14, 2015

Secret Wars has been absolutely spectacular and the story being told maybe one of the best in Marvel History, certainly one of the most entertaining. Each issue leaves me speechless and shocked and waiting for more. Secret Wars unbelievable keeps the tidal wave crashing down much like the four before. I'm personally amazed at the stride this event is hitting. I'm scared to see if it crashes and burns because it is certainly reaching a point I'm not sure they can go beyond.

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Star Wars (2014) #8

Aug 24, 2015

Star Wars by Jason Aaron has been a brilliant run from the get go. I cannot wait to see the places that Aaron goes with Immonen. They aren't reinventing the wheel, but this title has been tons of fun. If you haven't tried this run and you're a Star Wars fan, I think you might be doing yourself a small disservice. But that's just me. I will keep recommending them until the well runs dry.

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Trees #2

Jul 1, 2014

This issue did not disappoint at all. Tree #2 was a perfect follow up to the first issue. I really did for all my griping dig on the cementing of the foundation of this title. This issue did a great job of furthering how the Trees have played a big role into the developing life around them. Jason Howard really delivers a fantastical world around you with each page. You can't help be feel slowly apart of this strange world which doesn't seem so farcical compared to our world.

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Ultimate FF #3

Jun 22, 2014

I look forward to the remaining issues of this title. I hope Fialkov gets another title at Marvel! I can say if you haven't given The Bunker a chance yet its been an awesome title coming out of Oni Press! This was a solid issue with very grey area sort of feel to it. And I feel the title's cancellation is just premature. This title felt exactly what the Ultimate U had been missing for a long time now, and for three more issues it will fill the gap. I just don't know whats gonna happen when its gone.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #32

Mar 28, 2015

I really felt satisfied after finishing this issue. It was one of those issues I knew was coming and pretty much knew how it was gonna go down, but felt a huge sigh of relief when done. Cyclops may not be a favorite but there character has been a very integral part of the X-Story, and this issue was an integral part of his story. Its def worth picking up, even if you haven't touched this title its a good Cyclops issue. Also love the cover.

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X-Men (2013) #24

Feb 14, 2015

This issue completely sold me on what Wilson's run is gonna be like and I'm completely on board. Like some of my fellow Outrigt Geekers(is that a thing? I've been away too long.) I love her work with Ms. Marvel and think this is gonna be one of those runs that lay tons of the kind of character work we will debate for a while. If you like the X-Men this is a good one. What I should say If you like Psylocke, Storm, Monet, and Rachel Summers(Grey I think now?) this is your book. Because true X-Fans know its not every X-Title, its the one with your favorites

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