Kieran_Frost's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Outer Realm Comics Reviews: 16
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Uncanny X-Force (2010) #27

Jul 27, 2012

One of the greatest complaints I can give a comic is "nothing happened this issue"; that CANNOT (by any stretch of the imagination) be said this issue. A hero died a heroes death, a new hero is born, and the ultimate mastermind behind the new Brotherhood of Evil is revealed! E-P-I-C!!! THIS was an incredible issue. Utterly flawless. I cannot WAIT for a next issue. This series has been gold, from start to present. "the Apocalypse Factor", "Deathlok Nation", "the Dark Angel Saga", "Otherworld" and now... "the Final Execution". I never thought anyone could surpass Kyle&Yost's work on "X-force". I was wrong... Rick Remender is now in a class of his own!

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Young Avengers (2013) #1

Jan 24, 2013

It's a masterpiece. It really is; and anyone who doesn't at-least try the first issue will be missing out on one of the most unique mainstream superhero comics I've ever read. This is something very special. DO NOT miss out on this comic, DO NOT let it fall by the wayside like the criminally short (but brilliant) "Captain Britain and MI:13" and DO NOT trade-wait.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #174

May 18, 2012

This was a wonderful "end" to Parker's Thunderbolts run (I use the quotation marks because the comic is continuing, with the same creative team/concept/time-travelling, but under the banner "Dark Avengers"... as of next issue). To have Thunderbolts vs. Thunderbolts, to re-visit the founding team, to explore great time-travel issues; it was a joy. A true joy! Even though we knew the ending, I felt Parker did a great job of building upon the inevitable; creating a very tense, fast-paced (yet also very wordy -- and I mean that as a compliment; we got our money's worth and then some) issue. I wasn't "as moved" with Fixer's sacrifice as I had hoped. Oddly I found Karla's "final goodbye" to him to be the most emotional moment of the arc. Overall, Jeff Parker continues to make this Thunderbolts fan a very, VERY happy boy! BRING ON THE DARK AVENGERS!!!!

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Venom (2011) #19

Aug 1, 2012

What makes Remender's work so brilliant is the inner turmoil of his central character. Flash's feelings and emotions are so beautifully depicted this issue; I really felt for him. Remender rang every ounce of tension out of this issue; from finding (what he believes) to be his sister's body, to the horrific imprisonment of his mother. Jack constant taunting of Flash, using sexuality, is hilarious. The "homage" to Gwen Stacey was well played; and I'm pleased it didn't end the same way (Flash ISN'T Spiderman... he's so much better than that!). The final line of "Have you visited your mom recently?" was chilling! :(

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Venom (2011) #20

Aug 1, 2012

The last two issues have been a chase; here we get Flash's first real full-on battle with one of the Savage Six. It was a tight, vicious one-on-one fight. I adored Flash's poisoned dialogue: "Banana Time. Like the Oldies." Even in tense situations, Remender adds brilliant humour. This was the game changer issue; where Flash is starting to get the upper hand (taking out two of the "Savage Six"); so obviously the "drama" loses a little momentum; but Betty's situation helps balance that. Still a brilliant arc; but this issue wasn't "as strong" as the previous instalments. I hope we haven't seen the last of the Human Fly...

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Dark Avengers #175

Jun 8, 2012

As "introduction stories" go, it's not the best I've ever read (yet far from the worst). It's hard to treat this as a "new" first issue; since it's not... but it IS as well (if that makes sense?). It was mostly a battle issue, with some fantastic combat moments; spliced with a bit of comedy and story development. I am VERY excited to see where this leads; what is F.A.C.T.'s plan, how will the team cope in Sharzhad, how will this tie into the Timebolts? My prediction: next issue is going to be EPIC!!!

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Dark Avengers #178

Jul 29, 2012

I'm really loving both teams' plot-lines. The Dark Future with "Boss Cage" has soooo much potential; while the Dark Avengers vs. the might of Sharzhad is a sinfully fun fight. HUGE frustration that ONCE GAIN Jeff Parker denies me Sultan Magus vs. the Dark Avengers.... I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo EXCITED for this to happen; and the constant "teasing" that it will, only for it NOT to... AH!!!

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Dark Avengers #179

Oct 31, 2012

The Mad Max/Judd Dredd future is very fun; with the Bosses vs. the wasteland mutants. It's not exactly groundbreaking (mutates, tracking collars, grey metal city in a desert) but it can lead to fun moments, such as the chant "A Boss off the bike!", the city Mondo 1, the "Rafts", etc. Ghost's exposition was much needed, linking the duel stories together by an upcoming moment called "the Catalyst" (ooooh, mystery!). I like the in-story reason the Timebolts must enter Mondo 1; and their conflicting opinions on siding with the mutates. It wasn't an incredible issue; but still very solid, and A LOT happened; with both stories advancing forward.

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Dark Avengers #180

Oct 31, 2012

This issue focused more on Boss Cage; and so the jumps between the future and present day were very clever; with the voice-over "Cage has reached the end of his hero days" being used for both moments in both timelines. Cage talking down Magus from killing Kid Skaar, especially his "Son, work with me here" was great! More than last issue, this FELT like a filler. Yes, plenty happened plot wise; but I don't feel this couldn't have all been combined with last issue, without losing much. Maybe I've been spoiled on Parker's "two-arc" stories (soooo much story and moments condensed into one comic); I don't know. For the first time since his run began... I'm not "eager" for the next issue. I'm not feeling this story as much as the others. Pity. I don't know if it's the constantly changing art, or maybe I find time-travel in the past more fun than the future, I don't know? Fingers crossed next issue is a bigger pick me up.

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Dark Avengers #181

Nov 1, 2012

The chaos of this issue is strong; from the battle in the future, to the destruction in the present day. Jeff Parker always does well with conveying the nature of such a situation, much like the chaos of the prisoner break-out during 'Fear, Itself'. But overall, this is my least favourite of Jeff Parker's arcs on 'the Thunderbolts'. I love his work, but can't wait for this story arc to end. The characters are still solid, a lot happens... but I'm just not caring. Oh well...

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Dark Avengers #182

Nov 1, 2012

Jeff Parker, I'm sorry for doubting you!!! This issue was GOLD!!! From the amazing, concise first two pages, as Boss Cage's character leaps forward in characterisation, while Moonstone manipulates and lies, Centurius unravels the best solutions, and Hyde adds self-indulgent humour. Magnificent. This arc was slow burning (an understatement) BUT what a pay-off. Add to that having various heroes guest-star to solve this world shattering issue (and give it that feeling of necessary 'oomph'); it was a conclusion to be proud of. Bring on the next issue: something tells me it's gonna be an emotional one!

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Secret Avengers #26

Jun 5, 2012

I'm torn on this one. I don't like space stories. I don't like that a great "Secret Avengers" meta-plot has been sidelined in favours of this tie-in (which, seemingly, will have ZERO relevance once the event is over). And some moments felt sloppy. BUT... I can't help but enjoy this issue. Remender is an expert story teller; making compelling characters and situations; regardless of who he's using. So while the concept is faulty, the execution is not. Remender writes an excellent Thor!

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X-Men (2010) #28

Jun 5, 2012

Victor Gischler writes solid stories. They are fun, enjoyable... but ultimately irrelevant. Here the focus is very much on Pixie, a character I've enjoyed since Kyle&Yost's "New X-men"; but the story is not ground-breaking, or even exploring anything we haven't seen before a hundred times. It's "E.T." starring Pixie, basically. I know that sounds harsh, but it's such a shame Gischler's time on the book is ending on a two-part whimper, rather than a bang.

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X-Men (2010) #29

Jun 9, 2012

I really did like Gischler's run. It wasn't epic, but it was always solid; and it's such a shame that it ends on its weakest story. It's fine. It's a "nice" two-part arc; and the fast-paced sequence where Pixie is teleporting back-and-forth, barking orders, co-ordinating a plan; I really like that. Gischler made her an awesome leader. It just wasn't enough to push this above average, sadly.

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X-Men (2010) #31

Jul 25, 2012

The "story" itself is possibly only worth 3 stars (due to the similarities to 'Astonishing X-men''s "Exogenesis" arc); but Wood's characterization (esp. with Storm) catapults this into a safe 4 stars. Colossus is the much maligned, brooding giant, fiercely loyal and brave; Psylocke is bold when she needs, but laid-back and peaceful elsewhere; Domino is sassy and a shameless flirt, and Storm is FINALLY back to a tough-as-nails, ruthless yet personable leader. It's gold, pure gold! As was Sabra's brief appearance :D

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X-Men (2010) #32

Jul 25, 2012

The best issue of the run so far. An incredibly well organised team, each perfectly put to their best use; by the goddess leader Storm. THIS IS STORM! This is the Storm her fans have waited for. We finally get a deeper look into her opinions of the recent "Schisms", what she would do if she were in-charge; and around all this we get some lovely characterization for Psylocke, Colossus, Domino and (an old school?) Magik.

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