Matthew Z. Rios's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 21
7.5Avg. Review Rating

American Vampire #14

May 2, 2011

Hey, these reviews are free -- you get what you pay for.

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Avengers Academy #17

Aug 11, 2011

Avengers Academy #17Posted: Thursday, August 11, 2011By: Matthew Z. Rios Christos GageSean Chen, Jeromy Cox (c), Joe Caramagna (l)Marvel I love Avengers Academy, mostly because I love young, teen superheroes. Now, now, wait -- lemme stop you there. Matthew Z. Rios is no pervert perverts don't read Avengers Academy. I've always had an affinity for teen heroes. Books like Young Justice and Teen Titans put the fun back into comics that it's more often than not lacking. That's mostly due to the fact that younger heroes haven't been yet jaded to the reality of the superhero life. They know all about every crisis and war that's happened, but they haven't experienced the intensity and anguish -- to have friends and comrades die and to lose the naivety of heroics. But with the advent of Fear Itself, those realities are about to hit home quickly.

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Booster Gold (2007) #44

May 26, 2011

So overall, a pretty good issue. While Im glad to see Jurgens back on the character and book he made so popular, I am sad to see the quick-wit and heartfelt emotional situations of Giffen and DeMatteis go. This issue was a bit off due to the packing in of required details but Im sure over time things will straighten out again, so help me Gog.

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Booster Gold (2007) #45

Jun 13, 2011

Lets not even bother pretending we dont know whats going on -- the DC reboot. Unfortunately, with the lack of real info being given out we really dont know whats going on. All this reporter knows is (Ive always wanted to say that) is that Booster Gold is not one of the 52 books to be revamped/relaunched/re-dreams shattered. And while more books could be announced, as of right now, it is not. And that hurts my heart. Especially since I just wrote in my last review that I was so happy that this title has been alive and kicking for almost 4 years. But whatever, dont worry about it, DC. Maybe you could just make every issue a #1 in case some reader missed out on the last one! WHO CARES IT DOESNT MATTER LETS JUST GET THROUGH THIS REVIEW BECORE I CRY

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Chew (20090 #27

May 19, 2011

Its funny how much I love this book, since I initially hated it. I have no idea why, either. I think it could be that I wasnt expecting such a non-sequitur book that did whatever it wanted. As I stated before, this is a COMIC BOOK, where writers and artists can make think up whatever they want and make it happen. And as long as it stays within the boundaries its created, its all good. I really applaud Layman and Guillory for Chew: truly the most entertaining and unique book sold in comic shops.

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Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers #5

Apr 21, 2011

Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #5 is really great book (and a good jumping on point) thats happy-go-lucky and engaging. Ill be eagerly awaiting my TaleSpin monthly, BOOM! Studios (cough cough). Now, if youll excuse me, I have to put on a goatee and try to ruin my doppelgangers life.

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Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers #6

May 7, 2011

Overall, this issue did a standard job of building upon the limited cartoon universe shown on TV. However, parts of the book felt a bit rushed; the ideas were there but could have used another look. This wont discourage me from the title; I have faith in Ian Brill and am a big supporter of his work, so Ill still be following his books for quite some time.

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Flash (2011) #1

Oct 2, 2011

Yes, the book looks gorgeous and is packed with cool images but it doesn't work for me.

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Flashpoint #1

May 15, 2011

Flashpoint is just great. Its interesting, fun, and not connected to any ulterior motives. This book isnt a metaphor for modern society or an allegory to some sort of political nonsense; its just a good old-fashioned crossover that looks great and reads smoothly. Now, if youll excuse me, theres a Thor souvenir cup with an icy beverage and a beach chair with my name on them.

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Heroes for Hire (2010) #6

May 12, 2011

Heroes for Hire is, all around, a well-crafted book that's fully engrossing to no end. While I love every title I read monthly, this is always the first one I jump into on Wednesdays. I sure hope this book goes the distance because it's started off on the right foot and is only getting better.

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Heroes for Hire (2010) #8

Jun 9, 2011

So here's to you, Heroes for Hire! You're one of the few $2.99 Marvel comics I'd gladly pay $3.99 for (please don't tell them I said that!). Issue after issue, you leave me happy and satisfied, like a Slurpee served at perfect temperature. Maybe if I play my cards right, Marvel will stop releasing this bi-weekly, and go the daily route"? Pretty please?

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iZombie (2010) #13

May 9, 2011

After a year into it, Im just not sure I know the overall point or goal of this book. More and more is added, but less and less of it is pushing the story onward and upward. Hopefully soon these creatures of the night wont be so scared of their own shadow and come out of the dark.

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Jonah Hex (2006) #67

May 9, 2011

So as quickly as it's read, another issue of Jonah Hex concludes. Its so assuring to be totally satisfied by a single comic, month in and month out. I challenge you to find a more perfect book. If I really had to nitpick and find problems with it, they would have to be that it isnt longer, and its not daily. Oh, the terrible, terrible things I would do with bullets for a new issue of Jonah Hex every 24 hours

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Justice League: Generation Lost #24

May 2, 2011

So overall, I walk away from this issue satisfied. As a whole, Generation Lost was good, ending with the hope of a future for these overlooked heroes. Yet, for me, the series ended with more of a whimper than a bang. Heres hoping DC really kicks off another JLI series -- my heart wont stand for any less.

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Justice Society of America #50

May 2, 2011

I truly dont understand why I havent heard more buzz or praise for Mark Guggenheims Justice Society of America run; I honestly feel the book hasnt been this good in a while. Guggenheim keeps the spirit of legacy and respect alive, while adding an unexpected grittiness to its pages. The changes, including Alan Scotts new costume (which is just beautiful) and the recent additions to the team (including a female Blue Beetle?!) have breathed a new life into the pages of a title that didnt know it needed it. Overall this was an amazing book, which served both as a great acknowledgement of what has come and a look at the grand adventures that will be.

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Justice Society of America #51

May 30, 2011

Please please start reading this series! Its truly amazing, and rivals Geoff Johns early run as one of the best JSA storylines ever put to paper. We need to let DC know that we love and support this book by buying it. I mean, I guess we could start writing to their new letter column, but Im too tired from writing this review. Time for a semi-deserved, holiday weekend nap.

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Morning Glories #10

Jun 12, 2011

Time and time again, Spencer astounds us with how far he can take stories, characters, and our emotions to the edge. Not since Walking Dead have my feelings been toyed with on such a grand scale. Normally, Kirkman's ongoing zombie opus was the only comic book that made some sound emit from my mouth, whether it be an "aaaah!", "whaaat?!", or "HOLY F**K!", but now Morning Glories has joined its ranks. Choosing to turn the spotlight from the insane school preying on its students to the actual students themselves was a pretty genius move. Not only do we get a break from the over-the-top situations that plague the halls monthly, but we also feel like we're getting somewhere, story-wise. The problem with these long-drawn mystery stories, such as Lost, is that no matter how firmly the ending could be lodged, we as viewers get tired of feeling cheated time and time again. Although when it comes to Morning Glories, I feel this book has a pretty solid idea of where it's going because every month

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Rocketeer Adventures #1

May 22, 2011

Fortunately, life often mimics art. Just as Cliff Secord jets in for a well-deserved reunion, so does this book swoop in to comfort longing hearts and raise our spirits to the future. After finishing this issue, any doubt I had about this series washed away. Rocketeer Adventures # 1 not only serves as the perfect love letter to this beloved character, it also acts as a wonderful advancement of the series and universe that Mr. Stevens created not so long ago.

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The Walking Dead #85

Jun 2, 2011

So why not five bullets? Why does an amazing book such as this not get a 100%? Because its not long enough. I want more, I crave more, and if I dont get extra, Im not satisfied. Heck, even in the most amazing of issues, I still get greedy. Looks like Ill forever be constantly seeking depravity and distress -- what have you done to me, Kirkman?!

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X-Men: Schism (2011) #5

Oct 7, 2011

Action! Danger! Will our heroes escape this harrowing comic event? No, not that one... or the other one. Im talking about X-Men: Schism. Sheesh, Im sorta getting confused myself. With Fear Itself and Spider-Island happening simultaneously, Im surprised the poor Marvel Universe could support one more event. But to be fair, the X-Men have always seemed to be in their own little universe, so their big crossovers are more of a self-contained event. Or perhaps there are just X-Clones all over the place; at least that would explain why Wolverine is on 5 teams at once.

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Zatanna #12

Apr 25, 2011

So there you have it: a quirky but fun issue with great visuals and an Amanda Conner cover? I cant believe I didnt mention that before -- I think I was too busy drooling over it. While it doesnt quite capture the magic that the previous issues had, I definitely didnt regret picking it up.

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