murrakmr's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 21
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Adventures of Supergirl #1

Jan 25, 2016

The Adventures of Supergirl perfectly matches the tone of the TV show without being a slave to it, so it should satisfy the demands of both a comics and TV audience. DC have stated that they want this series to appeal to all ages and both Gates and Bengal have not just met, but fully realised that brief. If the zeitgeist is a move away from 'grim and gritty' to more fun and entertaining adventures (without losing credibility) that's a fine line that both The Adventures of Supergirl and The Legend of Wonder Woman not just walk, but gracefully dance upon. Whether by intention or happy accident, with the right creators DC are making all the right moves towards attracting new readers and embracing a readership beyond the loyal regulars. Read this story, get carried along for the ride, tell a friend to spread the joy and let's all hope that this trend continues, so we see more characters given the same love and attention which results in great comics for everyone.

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Black Canary (2015) #7

Jan 27, 2016

While this book may have slowly teased you into its world, there's no doubt that its finale and final climax in issue 7, deliver everything you could hope for. The mixture of superheroics and rock isn't exactly new but the creative team here have taken that model and still find something new and intriguing to do with it. It's different, it's fun, it's creepy and weird and wonderful and will reward your curiosity with a blockbuster finish and the promise of more goodies to come.

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Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1

Dec 14, 2015

The adventures of the Eighth Doctor are a welcome addition to Titan's line. Far from feeling superfluous they give us an ideal opportunity to learn more about the almost forgotten Doctor and Mann looks set to further flesh him out beyond what we've already seen. While his origin and regeneration may have already been seen, there's plenty here to discover and with art as strong as Viecelli's it looks like an adventure well worth joining.

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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Two #2

Jan 6, 2016

In Williams and co. fans of Eleven are sure to find a book that continues his adventures admirably and reflects everything they loved about this Doctor. For newer readers or newer fans the book may prove a little too 'continuity' heavy but then as this is a 'Year two' book should we expect it to be anything else? All in all the book provides a solid read and stands shoulder to shoulder with the other books in the line giving fans an extra dose of the Doctor they love in fun and interesting adventures.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Year Two #3

Dec 2, 2015

On the whole this isn't a perfect single-issue, but it is a good introduction to the book for anyone who may have missed the previous issues. There's a lot of charm here and it feels like a good episode of the show. The events at the climax of the story are enough to make you want to read more. In fact, I'd also say that I'd be disappointed if the next issue didn't immediately follow on from here as well as the Doctor and Gabriella's adventures, as the two running together would certainly be enough to turn a casual browser of the book into a regular reader.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #13

Dec 3, 2015

Overall The Hyperion Empire is a good read. With Morrison at the helm it feels like a classic, good British sci-fi story and you can't help thinking that that's everything a Doctor Who comic should have. He brings a wealth of story telling experience to the table that gives the book a solid core to build on, and his knowledge of the characters is sure to please any fan of the show. If you love the new series, you'll love this story, in fact I'd go so far as to say it's a lot better than some of the episodes that have aired over the past two years.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor: Year Two #1

Jan 15, 2016

The new art team however, have certainly made a big difference to this book and are helping it kick off it's second year in style. There's a thrill and suspense in the story that is typically Who and I'm confident that the book won't disappoint anyone coming to it looking to fill in the void as they wait for the next series to roll round.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1953: Beyond The Fences #1

Feb 24, 2016

By now Hellboy and B.P.R.D. have a dedicated and loyal fan-base who are comfortable in the knowledge that they can trust Mignola and his collaborators to deliver a great story. For anyone outside of that fan-base this issue is a great introduction to the Mignola-verse and is sure to make them want to come back for more. There is plenty here to enjoy for anyone that's ever noticed the dark possibilities of suburbia or loved the films or TV series that explore the same theme. White picket fences and perfect smiles, you just can't trust them.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1953: Beyond The Fences #2

Mar 30, 2016

While Hellboy in Hell may have signalled an end to the character's story, this book is proving that there are still plenty of tales to tell within the character's lifespan and career with the BPRD. In fact, two issues in this book seems like nothing short of a treat and I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping that there will be more to come beyond this arc and into the future.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1953: Beyond The Fences #3

May 27, 2016

In short, Beyond the Fences has been a truly great read. Not only does it work by adding to Hellboy's world and past and providing more stories to enjoy with the titular hero but it also stands as a masterclass in comic storytelling. Script and art have been perfectly judged from the very first cover and it is truly one of those books that simply remind you of everything you've ever loved about the medium in the first place. Now let me rise to my feet so I can begin the applause and calls for an encore!

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Jem and the Holograms #10

Jan 14, 2016

With nearly a year of issues under its belt, Jem is now looking to be a safe bet as an entertaining and trustworthy monthly read. It rarely disappoints and with the ‘Dark Jem' story arc promised next issue looks set to take the book into new territory and keep defying your expectations of what this book can be. It has all of the essential ingredients to be a cult-hit but I'd imagine with it being so consistently good it will instead gather a legion of dedicated fans.

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Jem and the Holograms #11

Jan 29, 2016

Jem remains a solid choice if you're looking for a fun, engaging and beautiful comic. If you're at all interested in pop culture or great comic art or great comics you should be reading this book. If you haven't started reading it already, I'm not sure I know what's wrong with you. I started with a vague awareness of Jem and slowly but surely this creative team is making me a fan, as the book is one I really look forward to each month. I'm not sure I can give any stronger recommendation or praise than that.

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Jem and the Holograms #12

Feb 24, 2016

The Dark Jem arc is so far proving to be a great read and delivering on all that the higher concept promises. It's hard not to read this issue and dream of big hardcover, omnibuses to sit on your shelf and be well loved because this is a comic that deserves to be called a classic. If you're reading Jem already you'll love it; if you're not reading Jem, time to catch up, and if you have friends who like the idea of comics but aren't into superheroes, then be the best person you can be and pop a copy of this comic into their hands because I'm confident you'll create a lifetime reader. Team Jem have learned how to create great comics, hopefully we'll all get to enjoy them for a long time to come.

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Jem and the Holograms #13

Mar 30, 2016

Issue 13 of Jem continues what is a stellar run from a creative team that are so passionate about their project it's infectious. The Dark Jem arc teased delights from its very concept and so far that promise is delivering. The cliffhanger here also suggests there's plenty more to come and I'm sure many will be counting away the hours till 14 teases just that little bit more.

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Jem and the Holograms: Holiday Special #1

Dec 18, 2015

As a holiday special, this book is really well crafted. The story can stand on its own without having to read the ongoing series, but it also ties in just enough to make this a pleasant get together with the gang over the festive period. It should get you in the mood for all that the holidays bring, while also remind you why we go through all the hassle and expense to try and spend just one day of the year with our loved ones free of stress, arguments or animosity. Indeed, if we take anything from the book it might be that sometimes a little bit of thought can make even the most stubborn of us realise that not everyone is as simple as we might paint them to be. The only thing missing? No singing, sure I can't be the only one waiting to see a Jem and the Holograms Christmas song?

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Jem and the Holograms: Valentine's Day Special #1

Feb 11, 2016

While this issue may not be essential reading for the series as a whole it is a nice one-off story that adds a little to the characters and is a little slice of crazy fun for readers. In fact isn't that what a holiday special should be? Something that celebrates the theme of the day with charm and fun thrown in? It's an area in which Thompson excels, creating fun side stories that can be easily collected within the main arcs but also adds a little extra for loyal readers, while also having enough to attract new readers as a 'taster'. The issue is as romantic and frivolous as Valentine's day itself and has just about the same 'nawhhh' charm as receiving an unexpected card professing how great you are. Who could ask for more?

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Joyride #1

Aug 1, 2016

All in all Joyride is a book that lives up to its title. Fun and full of action it entertains all the way through, but also gives you a little extra in its handling of the story's various themes. The book's ending leaves you ready and enthusiastic for more and the additional news that the book has been upgraded to an ongoing can only be seen as a vote of confidency in the book as a quality read worthy of everyone's attention.

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Kung Fu Panda #4

Jan 18, 2016

Unfortunately this issue ends with an ad telling us that there won't be more till the summer. That news can be greeted two ways. One is with sorrow as it implies a patient wait, the other is that we can look back at these four issues as some great comics and look forward for more fun when Po and Furious Five return, with (hopefully) just as much excellent craft and talent on board to excite and thrill us all.

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Scooby Apocalypse #1

Jun 30, 2016

For the most well-known franchise in the Hannah Barbera line, Scooby Apocalypse takes some brave steps in how it presents the characters and in rebooting their world. Based on a concept by Jim Lee, it's probably no surprise that it quite often calls to mind 90s Wildstorm books like Sci-Tech and Divine Right, fans of those books will probably have a lot of fun with this take on the Mystery gang. For everyone else it might take a period of adjustment, but I'm pretty sure there's enough here to tease your interest and bring you back to see where this story is heading.

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The Legend of Wonder Woman #1

Jan 13, 2016

In The Legend of Wonder Woman DC are presenting us with more than just another origin story for Diana. The story is a celebration of the character and perfectly represents who she is and why she is not just an iconic female hero but also one of DC's Trinity, around whom their universe was built. She is a role model for all, a feminist for all and this book helps to show that she can appeal to everyone across the board without being sexualised for a male audience. It is a book that is accessible to and arguably, appealing for new readers of all ages. It presents and extends upon Diana's origin and perhaps may prove to be the definitive answer to the question of Wonder Woman's appeal, that has often been found to be necessary but strangely missing.

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The Troop #1

Dec 9, 2015

However, for me I'm not sure it would be enough. While I did enjoy the issue and there is potential within the book for greater things on the whole there just isn't enough there to keep me interested in reading it now. The story is a little too familiar, as are the characters and so it feels like I've read this all before. For a younger or possibly newer reader the reading experience may be entirely different and they wouldn't have the same problems with the book I have, but as is, I wasn't engaged or excited enough by the story or characters to want to see more. On the other hand, I would be interested in seeing more of Cassara and Guerrero's work and it'll be interesting to see where the future takes them. Clarke may indeed also have the same potential in comics, but so far it seems like he has more to learn.

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