Sofia Marlasca's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Recap Reviews: 13
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Ms. Marvel (2014) #17

Aug 9, 2015

Ms. Marvel #17 delivered everything we were promised and more, effectively handling Marvel's big event without outshining the anticipated Kamala/Carol meeting. It is a fun read that promises more action in future issues, yet is enjoyable simply forthe interaction of the two lead women. It was a hard gig to pull off, but Wilson and Alphona didan incredible job. Hopefully, we'll see more of these two's interactions in the future.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #18

Oct 6, 2015

Overall, “Ms. Marvel”remains a fun read, keeping the focus on Kamala's family and friends dealing with impending disaster while referencing previousstorylines. It's reassuring to know this storyisn't over after Secret Wars: we can sit back and enjoy both the insightful and lighthearted moments with the characters we've come to love. The ending surprises us and promises more emotional momentsin theremaining issues of this arc. Let's hope “Ms. Marvel”keeps making the road to the end of the world a surprisingly fun ride.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #19

Nov 4, 2015

There isn't much more to say, except that we anxiously await the return of this series post-reboot. “Ms. Marvel” isone of Marvel's most fun and heartwarming books right now, if notever.

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Grayson #10

Jul 24, 2015

With more than a few twists, this book is a fun ride. Like any good spy story, it leaves you doubting about everyone's loyalties " even Dick's! Luthor's appearance helps up the stakes and bring the story into focus for the bigger universe it plays a part of, and it does so marvelously. With a thrilling cliffhanger, this story still has a lot of knots to tie in the following issues. I do hope the storytelling will continue to be up to the challenge. So far, they haven't given us a reason to doubt so.

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Grayson #12

Sep 24, 2015

Ultimately, "Grayson" #12 is an emotional book that feels somehow like a milestone in the character's overall story, a culmination ofall the years and relationships he's accumulated in Gotham. It's sad, as I've said, seeing him part so soon from Gotham and dive back into the spy game. However, with his connections with the other members of the Bat-Family recovered, it will be great seeing Dick enter the game from a completely new angle this time.

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Invincible Iron Man (2015) #1

Nov 3, 2015

Overall, this book is shaping up to be a fun one following Marvel's lighter editorial stylethat has been successful with comicslike “Ms. Marvel.” It still has a long way to go as we only are moving into its first arc, but for once the Marvel universe promises abrighter future, at least not doomed with the end of the world.

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The Wicked + The Divine #13

Aug 13, 2015

Gillen has created an amazing standalone issue, with great narrative that manages to encompass Tara's story as a whole, make us fall in love with her and then break our hearts, all within 30 pages. The guest artist is the perfect choice for this otherworldly beautiful issue. Every delicate social problem is handled respectfully, without shying away from the ugliness of reality, which makes this book the most shocking so far. Overall, this might be the best issue The Wicked + The Divinehas published so far, and definitely one that will be talked about widely and for a long time.

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The Wicked + The Divine #15

Nov 3, 2015

Overall, this issue might not be the best in the series, but given the unbelievable quality "The Wicked and The Divine" has had so far, even its slightly weaker issues are amazing. We learn that Amaterasu has some anger management issues and a problematic history, and we get a look at the gods' growing tensions, so in sum it'sa very good issue.While it doesn't necessarily advance the plot, this issue isa beautiful addition to the collection and a nice insight into a character whohas been here from issue #1 and deserved morespotlight.

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Siege (2015) #1

Jul 18, 2015

Siege #1 is an exposition book that sets the story into motion, but it's nonetheless a fun read. Gillen gives us, finally, a deeper look into the world behind The Shield and sets up a cliffhanger that promises loads of action to come. Now that we've finally put the beginning aside, I'm hyped to see where Siege takes us. I'm sure it's going to be a wild ride.

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Siege (2015) #2

Aug 9, 2015

Overall, Siege #2 feels like a book that is finally getting traction. The ensemble of characters play off each other extremely well and only make us wish we had more time to spend with them before the event isover. The lack of actual battles so far is a bit of a letdown, but it's clear this book is more focused on showing us the world at The Shield than the actual fights, at least so far. The next issue, however, promises to finally deliver on the action front, and I couldn't be more ready for it (again, I'm sure Gillen's going to make me regret this eventually).

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Siege (2015) #3

Sep 23, 2015

“Siege” #3 keeps delivering in that particular storytelling characteristic of Gillen. Despite the big action explosion, we are only reaching the climax. We get to see our heroes win, but know this is not their final test, the one they are destined to fail. And so, we are left waiting for the next miniseries issue, completely immersed in this world. At least, we got to see Leah and Magik riding into the sunset. Maybe, thereishope.

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A-Force #3

Aug 19, 2015

A-Force #3 makes for a fun andshocking(sorry!) read, with big developments that further the story while remaining entertaining on their own. The storytelling and art are spot-on and the creative team continues to give us a taste of what is in store after the reboot. This promises to be a great ride!

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A-Force #4

Sep 16, 2015

In the end, we are left with one more issue to come before “Secret Wars” is over and the book starts all over again in the Omniverse " whether this story will be kept or retconned is yet to be seen. We have one more adventure for the “A-Force” team to face: a zombie invasion coming from the other side of The Shield, whichhas been the source of so much conflict in this book.

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