TommyHancock's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Fanboy Buzz Reviews: 23
7.7Avg. Review Rating

Bottom Line(cause Stonecold said so): Legends of Oz is beautiful comic that changes pace brilliantly to keep from getting stale. The story is full of nods to fans of the original movie, but also fresh enough that you can go into it with the vaguest of recollection and still enjoy it. And, most importantly, it's interesting and really makes you want them to get to the witches castle so you can see what's happening already! Sorry. I get impatient. Anyway, check it out. It's a good read.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): I don't even like these types of stories most of the time, and I like this story. It's not going to be for people who are determined to hate the urban fantasy genre no matter what(you know who you are), but if you have any faith that this sort of story can be done right and in a way that could appeal to people outside of the core audience, I'd say check it out.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): Borderlands Origins #1 is a good, but not a great issue of comic. It is apparent that the creators involved have mass amounts of skill, and the comic even seems like it could pick up and just be an A+ comic… as of right now it is just a step above average. If you're a fan of the games, I'd still check it out. Also, it does have redeeming qualities which make it worth thumbing through if you see it in a shop(What the hell was in the file?!).

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): I'm enjoying this story. It feels like an old detective novel, set in modern times(part of the time) and sprinkled with a dash of sci-fi. If that sounds intriguing to you, you may want to give this one a shot. Although, with this being the third issue of a 5-part series, you might want to wait for the trade.

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The bottom line('cause Stonecold said so): This issue was a little slow, but it was written amazingly, is about the characters that I already mentioned, and the art was done by ALEX ROSS!! Even if the story sucked(Which it didn't) the art alone makes it worth the read. My hopes are high for the issues to come, Masks squad!Check out this comic pulp/noir fans. It's a good'un.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): This series is setting up to be an epic one. Though this issue wasn't amazing cover to cover, it sets the stage for what could be a straight out epic conclusion.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): I like this comic. I do. I don't love it. If you have extra cash on you, I'd check an issue out and see how you feel about, but I wouldn't recommend dropping a series for it or anything. If that changes as the series moves forward, I'll let you know.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): If you're already a Witchblade fan, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you to check this comic out. If you're late to the whole Witchblade craze and don't know where to start, this series isn't a bad jumping in point. It's a self contained story that won't be too hindered if you lack knowledge of the rest of the series.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): Pathfinder is a fun, well written comic. If you enjoy RPG's or classic fantasy/adventure stories, I can nearly guarantee that you will enjoy this comic.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): If you are a Jen Blood reader and are even kind of considering skipping this one and just moving forward with the main story, DO NOT DO IT, PICK THIS UP! If you are not a Jen Blood reader, this seems like an amazing starting on point and will make you want to go back and read the entire series up to current. Trust me.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): This is one of the most unique books on the shelves. It's a love story, mixed with vulgarity and grit, mixed with the darkest of humor, mixed with very real emotions, and all put together perfectly. In fact, it's one of maybe 5 comics on the stands that makes me think “Why didn't I think of that?” Ultimately, if it sounds even remotely interesting based on the blurbs and reviews you've read about it, it's completely worth owning. Not to mention, only four issues, so you don't have to worry about being lost in back-story or possibly losing track of the story if you come into harsh times moolah wise. Grim Leaper comes heavily recommended from this guy. I'm pointing my thumbs at my chest right now, BTW.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): Issue 2 is almost NEVER as exciting as issue 1. Comics have to start out so big to hook the readers that the next issue is almost always dedicated to information. So, pretty much, issue 1 is the perfect indicator of where this series is going, and issue 2 is more or a less a bridge to get there. It's a filler for sure, but a very good one. If you can get your hands on 1, I'd say it's very worth it to pick both up.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): 2 issues in and this is already easily the comic I am recommending the most. I think that there's a little bit of everything to please all comic fans. I won't say where it ranks , but it's a top 5 favorite for me as far as current books go. And only 2 books in! Unless the ball gets drastically dropped, we're looking at a masterpiece in the making. Not to mention a fine example as to the potential of the medium in moving towards the future.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): If you're a fan of dark humor, this comic is for you. I recommend it 150% for anyone who liked the movie Wristcutters: A Love Story(if you haven't seen it, check it out as well, btw). Be warned though(as if this doesn't pull you in more) $hit gets gruesome. It's certainly not death scene after death scene, but when they do happen, they happen HARD.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): America's Got Powers has become one of my personal most anticipated comics. I honestly can't wait to see more. I recommend this title highly.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): One of the better suspense/thriller comic issues I've read in a long while. These types of comics are generally not my cup of tea, but this baby was put together so well I can't help but anticipate the next issue. I WOULD say head out and buy it, but the puupy has sold out and is going into second print. So, once they rehit stores, check it out. With how well the first issue did sells-wise, and how badly it leaves you wanting more, I've got two words for those who want to ppick up issue 2: Pull box.

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): If you're a pop culture geek, especially when it comes to comics, I can nearly guarantee you'll like this book as long as you go into it with the right mindset. Meaning, expect some giggles and good lighthearted jabs and references. If you're a deadhead(phrase I totally just invented for zombie fans, pretty original, huh?), it's a less safe buy, but I'd recommend at least checking it out. As long as you're not one of those pretentious people who can't take a new take on anything they like, that is(Soooo a comic book fan?(BURN!)).

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Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): If you are the type of comic fan who is more about the art than the story, ignore my rating outright and go check out this comic. If you're looking for something weird and abstract, this is also right up your alley. For those writer/story-centric comic fans out there, the books still worth picking up and looking at, but I don't feel as comfortable recommending it to you. Although, with their only being 3 issues, it might be worth gambling on this series if you're not too strapped for cash.

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Bottom Line(Cause Stonecold said so): If the following issues keep the incredible standard this opening issue has set for me, then, to my knowledge, there is no comic on the stands that offers its readers as much as Mind the Gap. And for 2.99? SO cheap for this amount of content.

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For some reason I always feel obligated to let you know if you're dealing with a limited/mini series. And in this case, you absolutely are. Epic Kill is a 5 part miniseries and issue #1 hits shelves on May 2nd. If you're in the market for something a little different, check it out. If you like, put three bucks and some change aside for the following 4 months and join me on the ride of seeing where this sucker goes.

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Okay, I'm better. That one gripe aside, good stuff. I don't think it's for everyone, but if you're in the market for a fun read and a break from the darkness and broodiness of the average spy comic this is probably a pretty safe buy, so long as you can get your hands on 1-3. There are, apparently, two more issues in the series. Since this one was such a definite ending I'm not sure what they're going to do with the next two. But I can't wait to find out. And I'll probably be back here to share the news with you fine folks!

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Honestly, I can't do this first issue justice with words. If you like super hero comics, even a little bit, do yourself a favor and pick it up. It's a 6 part miniseries, so it won't even be a lot of work to keep up with. Pick it up. Read it. Love it. Thank me later.

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In conclusion, Secret #1 was a good, but, aside from the color aspect, not a special read. I would not be the least bit surprised if it evolved into something amazing, even if that happened within the next few issues, but it just isn't there yet. The price is also a bit of an issue for me. While 50 cents isn't a lot of money, I feel there are better Image titles for 2.99.

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