Tyrone Selby's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Crusaders Reviews: 5
7.4Avg. Review Rating

Overall, the book is promising. Crimson Society has fallen for the same trap that a very large of first issue stories suffer from"it's hard to get into. It's not uncommon because it's extremely difficult getting into a story that's just introducing itself. The characters aren't cemented, the story is just getting started, and the art is still finding it's niche. It wasn't horrible at all, but I can't say I'm completely interested. I'm hoping they really grab their audience's attention in their next issue.

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Long story short, this (in my opinion), is a fantastic "Testosterone" comic. Not too heavy handed on the story, plenty of action and nothing offends my artistic eye. So go ahead, crack open an ice cold beer and have a read.

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The writing and story plot is pretty good as well. If I had to describe Cloaks, it would be a lighter toned version of the story of Robin from DC's Batman. I can genuinely say that I am looking forward to reading what happens within the next three issues!

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The downside for me? It was hard getting caught up with the lingo, and the characters seemed slightly one dimensional"but that's getting nit-picky. I must admit, I'm looking forward to reading what happens next!

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"Angry Birds" is one of those comics that I would definitely give my child to pass along my nerdism for comics while at the same time getting them reading something at their level.

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