Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Pink #3

Writer: Brenden Fletcher, Kelly Thompson, Tini Howard Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: September 14, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
7.1Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Kimberly is in charge of a new team of Teenagers with Attitude. With time against them, she's going to have to put all her training to the test if she's to get her new friends out of this alive!

  • 9.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Rizuki Ann Sep 20, 2016

    I'm definitely intrigued. What are your thoughts? If you haven't scooped up Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: PINK#3 yet, be sure to check out your local comic book shop to snag a copy. See you next issue! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ian B Sep 14, 2016

    Ultimately, despite this being an issue that was mostly dedicated to getting certain people to certain places for the continuation of the actual story in the next issue, it was still enjoyable. The character moments were great, the Rangers solutions to problems without their powers, while maybe a bit too convenient, were interesting to see as they had to use their intelligence more than usual, and seeing dissent in the monsters ranks is usually results in some at least slightly interesting interactions. Maybe not the best issue of the series so far, but still worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    BGCP - Liam Pollock Sep 14, 2016

    Power Rangers: Pink is in a rather unfortunate trend where its story is getting a little too convoluted and slows it down, yet at the same time the pacing is so fast that the story just seems a little all over the place and poorly paced. There are a lot of coincidences for the Rangers and they seem to be incredibly lucky, with things happening very conveniently for them. Also, how does Kimberly keep recognising her mum who is now a giant fish monster that looks like all the other giant fish monsters? That is her real talent right there. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Sep 17, 2016

    There was something slightly off about this issue. The art and action were a little too wild to follow at times. That personal touched seemed to be missing. I don't know if it's because they added a scripter, or maybe this was just an action-heavy issue. But it was still a fun read. And as part of the ongoing story, it was solid entertainment. Kimberly gets to be a badass hero, there are a lot of cool monsters, the day is saved, trouble arises anew, and all of it is quite enjoyable. I hope they have something really fun planned for the finish, and it's not just straight action from here on out. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Jeff Lake Sep 15, 2016

    All told, while not the strongest installment, it's still a darn good-looking one. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComiConverse - Darryll Robson Sep 14, 2016

    After a successful start to the series the narrative has taken a turn for the worse. The art continues to impress but it has become drowned in cliches and terrible plot twists. Read Full Review

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