Now that the two top serial killers have entered into a terrible competition to break the record for murders what comes next? Learn more about our awful killers Mark Andrew Smith and Daniel Dodson and their grotesque activities as we enter a frightening game of cat-and-mouse between killers and police.
Issue one was great, but issue two really ups the ante in a big way. Kyle Starks is not only building a world where two killers are competing, hes also making them human. This really separates this book from other similar books that have been done in the past. Besides the two killers, there is a great deal of build for the other characters in the story as well. The story weaving is masterful and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Read Full Review
Piazzalunga delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. I love the character designs as well as the use of shadow. Read Full Review
Probably the best book of the week for me.
Starks has some great pacing here. And Piazzalunga art reminds me of Norm Breyfogle.
This is another good issue. It's dark, but at the same time doesn't take itself extremely serious. It's a good mixture and I find it very interesting.