Whatever happened to the caped crusaders? Find out in Week 30, which features appearances by Nightwing, Robin, the new Batwoman and Bruce Wayne!
We can only hope that these and other questions will be addressed in the upcoming installments of 52! Read Full Review
Mr. Wanty Wants to see more of the Batwoman-Nightwing team-up, more of Bruces inner struggle, and definitely more of Renee Montoyas future. He also wants to know exactly what DCs got up their collective sleeve to top 52. Read Full Review
52 #30 was another solid read. The boys at DC continue to impress me with their effort on this title each and every week. It was enjoyable checking in on Batman, Nightwing and Robin with this issue. The only thing that writers have failed to do in this title is get me interested in Batwoman or the idea of Montoya becoming the Question. Read Full Review