All-Star Western #0

Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray Artist: Moritat Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 26, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 1
7.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

How did Hex get his scar?

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Thomas J. Angelo Oct 1, 2012

    As mentioned before, All-Star Western is a book I have really come to love. So far there has not been a single issue released that I haven't enjoyed thoroughly. Western fans must pick up this book. If you're not a Western fan, you should still give this book a read, especially if you're growing weary of the standard superhero fare. This book has action, tragedy, revenge and moxy to spare. All-Star Western #0 hits the target right between the eyes and earns a perfect five out of five stars. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Sara 'Babs' Lima Sep 26, 2012

    If it were up to me I would have Palmiotti, Gray and Moritat on this title forever. I think that this creative team works really well together on ALL-STAR WESTERN and they have set the standard for this series pretty high. This is, by far one of the best #0 issues I have read so far; it's clear, organized and it gives the reader the characters back story and still manages to set the stage for the next story arc without making the book feel rushed.The creators on this title have a very clear idea of the kind of story they want to tell and the type of character they want to portray and it's hard not to fall in love with him. If you've ever wanted to see what would make Jonah Hex cry, or how he got the scar on his face, then this isn't a book you will want to pass up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Scott West Sep 29, 2012

    When I heard that 'All-Star Western' #0 was to be a retelling of Hex's origin, I'd wondered what new direction Gray and Palmiotti were going to take the story. Like 'The Flash' #0, there isn't anything here that has been told before. But, also like that Flash story, this one is told is such a beautiful way that it's hard to fault it. If they'd veered too far from Hex's origins, I'm sure many fans, myself included, would've been upset. Still, even though they played it safe, it was a rousing fun story and well worth the price of admission. Now I'm dying to see how weird this western can get with Jekyll's serum being released to the streets of Gotham. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Entertainment Fuse - Elvis Dutan Sep 29, 2012

    Overall this is a great origin story, straight to the point, never meandering or feeling bloated. Perfect for those who are attempting to understand the character and his roots. It might seem superfluous to long time fans, but even then it is still a good story on it's own and can be appreciated on those terms. Besides, when in comic form Jonah Hex has hardly ever been one to disappoint. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Sep 26, 2012

    For fans of this series, All Star Western #0 should be heralded as the best entry into the series in a while. At some point I would like to see Jonah emerge from the shadow of Gotham, I dont believe this book needs to be associated with the Bat-family, even in such a small way, to survive. 90% of this issue has nothing to do with Gotham City, and that is part of what makes it one of the best entries into the series in the last several months. Palmiotti and Gray were wise to set up their next story-arc, which will take place in Gotham, but Im pretty intrigued by what Ive seen, so Im staying onboard with this series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Crux - Talisha Harrison May 10, 2013

    Im a fan of western TV shows and so thats part of the reason why I became interested in reading Jonah Hex. I love that it takes place in Gothams past and it brings excitement, action, and an excellent story that needs to be told. Palmiotti and Gray are the writing duo on this book and have written great stories, not only about Hex, but other characters as well. The art has been stunning and Moritat keeps giving readers wonderful visuals. This has been a great series so far and I cant wait to see what happens next. Until then see you later Geek Cowgirls and Cowboys! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Oct 3, 2012

    A fascinating yarn that offers a bit of insight into a compelling character, but without much reason for telling it. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    IGN - Poet Mase Sep 26, 2012

    This month's issue fulfills its obligation to tell Jonah Hex's origin, but it's not the smoothest process. I'll give points for cramming so many of Hex's formative moments into such a small space; however, the experience is hampered greatly by the project's ambition. I do look forward to Moritat's inks every month, and the team of Palmiotti and Gray once again put together some of the most natural dialog in monthly comics. Verdict: green light for interested newcomers and fans of the creators, yellow light for everyone else. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 1, 2012

    "All Star Western" #0 successfully delivers the story of Jonah Hex with all of the main components of the regular series in place. In that sense, this issue serves up a nice appetizer for readers to come back for more. I'll admit to being a lapsed reader as I tried to trim away titles in order to maintain a healthier comics budget, but this issue has given me enough of a reason to come back next month and plunk down another four bucks for another Jonah Hex tale. If this issue is any indication, I won't be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Sep 26, 2012

    So, what we're left with is a book that's stuck in no man's land of doing what these books are supposed to do, but covering ground well covered before. Read Full Review

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