In pursuit of the time-traveling criminal known as Universo, the super-powered kids from the 30th century travel back to the 1960s to enlist the aid of the “greatest teen superhero ever”--Robin, the Boy Wonder! But Batman’s hard-boiled nemesis Egghead has stolen one of the Legion’s unattended time bubbles and taken off to the 2900s. Looks like Batman has to head to the far-flung future with one group of heroes while Robin stays in the swinging sixties with another. Holy time-travel paradox!
With clever dialogue, a perfect handle on the meter and tone of Adam West's Batman voice (RIP, sir), and the dynamic art and colors of the Mike/Laura team, this issue is off-the-charts fun for me. There's even a board-game built in that is chockfull of references and clever bits, including cameos by Mxyptlk and J'onn J'onnzz, making Batman '66 Meets The Legion Of Super-Heroes #1 a home run for me. Read Full Review
This was a very fun crossover and for fans of either Batman 66 or the Legion, it's the kind of blast that's truly timeless. Read Full Review
I just wishDC had used this era Legion with the original Star Trek crossover that waspublished a few years back. Read Full Review
A worthy sendoff to the series, at least for the time being. The worst thing I can say about this one-shot is that I wish it could have gone on just a bit longer, though there's still plenty to love here. The story holds together pretty well, almost every single joke works, and the wonderful visuals from the Allred family are a welcome sight. If this is the last Batman '66 comic we ever get, then at least it ended on a high note. Read Full Review
Overall, this comic feels like a Batman TV special, and it is enchanting. The Legion of Super-Heroes is familiar (though you may be surprised by some of the members!) and the premise for this comic is cute and funny. This is a great comic to pick up for a quick laugh and some solid Batman nostalgia. I wish this was a cartoon, or at least an ongoing series, but it is a great conclusion to the Batman '66 series, and a perfect homage to the late Adam West. Read Full Review
Don't pass on this particular issue of the series, it's worth giving a chance to take a trip back to memory lane. There's a fun story here with action, classic twists and villains calling out their own dumb wits. Read Full Review
The Legion of Superheroes get a campy style makeover in this crossover by the always excellent Allred family. Read Full Review
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