Zelda the Great is trying out new death defying traps for her stage act and wants Batman and Robin to show her how to escape...whether they want to or not.
In all aspects this issue fits neatly in the Batman T.V. show universe. Script and art trick the reader to believing he or she is in front of the television 49 years ago. Sit back and enjoy. Its not often we are allowed to have such unbridled fun with comics in this day and age. Read Full Review
Overall: An issue that succeeds because it's just plain fun, this outing featuring Marsha, Queen of Diamonds makes me love reading this book more than I already did. Tight plotting, funny gags, and fantastic visuals make for any book to be a fun read, and none more so than the continuation of Adam West and Burt Ward's legacy as the Dynamic Duo. Pick it up if you're a fan of the Bat, a fan of West and Ward, or just a fan of comics in general. Read Full Review
Although this is a totally solid series I recognize that it lacks the gravitas and complex characters and storytelling that are the hallmarks of truly great modern comics. For that reason I am not giving it top marks. But as a tongue in cheek joyride through my childhood I can heartily recommend this book. Read Full Review
Despite having a B-list Villain or because of it, I really liked Batman '66 #24. Jeff Parker dials back the camp just a bit to give us a good story that has the Dynamic Duo on the short end of the stick. Read Full Review
1966 Batman purists will no doubt be concerned with expansion outside television canon. Expansion within the Batman '66 comic series, however, was inevitable. In three seasons, television's Batman only faced 33 villains. Expansion into Batman's rogues gallery is how Batman '66 can evolve " and that's a good thing. Digital readers know we will be seeing more rogues given the Batman '66 treatment soon. I believe this will enhance and enlarge interest in this series and thus keep the style and sensibilities of the 1960's Batman alive. Read Full Review