Batman comes face-to-face with the ninjas who have been tearing through the Gotham underworld. As the Dark Knight stares down the menacing assailants, he learns more about their mission as well as the name of the one they serve: the Demon's Head, Ra's al Ghul. Meanwhile, something prowls the sewers of Gotham City, a being whose mind has been warped by The Joker's dark purple dawn!
Another major Bat-villain makes his debut in the cliffhanger, as this series continues to be intrigued. However, the colorful stylings don't exactly match up with the tone of the audio drama to my eye. Read Full Review
First of all, the book looks really good. Readers will have a blast peeling through the wall-to-wall illustrations. I can see how the tone may be jarringly morbid despite all of its high campiness. The book is an easy recommendation for the niche of Batman fans who vibe with the style, but may prove difficult if you can't handle the funny business. If you listen to the Audio Adventures podcast, you may end up increasing your immersion. Read Full Review
Batman: The Audio Adventures #2 features high-flying action, an interesting main story, and fun art. However, the various mediocre side plots and an inconsistent tone create more of a sense of confusion than excitement, hampering any enthusiasm for the rest of the issue. Read Full Review
Oh yes! A lot of pieces are being moved on the board here in intriguing ways!! Really exciting knowing that Batman is going to be confronting Ra's soon. In his five years of fighting crime in Gotham, Batman has never gone up against someone like the Demon's Head. The Demon's Brood who approached him last issue are not quite what they seem... There's a missing artifact in Gotham and Batman is one the case, Meanwhile, Killer Croc's subplot (in addition to showing the consequences of Joker's Dark Purple Dawn chemicals) begins to become clearer to the bigger picture and Robin the Boy Wonder has a case of his own to solve. This issue was a blast to read. I highly recommend listening to at least Season 1 of Audio Adventures before reading this semore
Not a bad issue. Still better than most other Batman titles out there now. I'm not really into this Croc thing, but I can tell the writer is. I'd really prefer learn more about this search for Scimitar's sword and Robin's own plotline. It's always good to read a story set in Batman's earlier days, especially if they feature Dick Grayson as Robin. It just takes one back.