Batman #699

Writer: Tony Daniel Artist: Guillem March Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 12, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
5.7Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

Only one month until BATMAN #700! As the anniversary issue nears, Dick Grayson's life as the Dark Knight inches dangerously closer to the edge! With the Falcone crime family and The Riddler creating havoc in Gotham City, Batman is completely occupied with no idea what shocking surprise awaits him in the near future!

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Babs May 12, 2010

    Tony Daniel proves that he is capable of writing a fantastic Dick Grayson as Batman in this issue, and that he works better when he isn't both writing and drawing the issue. My only real complaint was that the second part of this issue felt rushed and open-ended. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 12, 2010

    Overly brief and cluttered, this arc nonetheless proves Daniel is a natural fit for the series. I look forward to his return later this summer and whatever changes that might bring. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Travis Walecka May 17, 2010

    Ever since that undying moment Tony Daniels take on Dick Graysons dark cowl has been superb. And those unparalleled detective skills dont go to waste in this issue. Theres just an overabundance of tricks, schemes, cons, and clues that boggle what had been up this point a fantastically-paced title. Meanwhile the repeated interrogations of Firefly, abrasive hocus pocus of Sebastian Blackspell, and Riddlers ever-gyrating criminal agenda simply wore me down. Hopefully, Daniel will get another chance to resurrect this otherwise promising arc once Morrison does his thing, and, with any luck, draw it too! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Scott Hunter May 19, 2010

    The cover, by Tony S. Daniel, gains praise from me. It features The Riddler in the foreground, grinning, whilst Batman squats behind him on a mound of earth. It's definitely well-drawn, although The Riddler's ears seem to be rather low-down on his head, and I like how Nigma is staring out at the reader, with an appearance designed to draw the eye. At the same time, Batman is behind him, drawing his cape up to his face, looking stealthy as befits his character. It's not the most eye-catching cover in the world, but I think it's had some thought put into it, and when so many covers are generic group-shots or similar, that deserves some attention.Final Thoughts Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt May 13, 2010

    Tony Daniel really misses the mark with his writing in this issue as he presents a story that never really comes together in a coherent way. His characterization is just as bad. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Guillem March is doing some interesting things with the art in this issue (and Titans left such a horrible taste in my mouth) this issue definitely would have been the lowest Ranked book of the week based upon the poor quality of the writing alone. Read Full Review

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