Batwing #31

Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray Artist: Julio Ferreira, Eduardo Pansica Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 7, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
6.4Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Batwing faces his most dangerous mission yet traveling straight into the madness that is The Gotham Underground to put an end to those behind The Uprising! Will Batman, Incorporated be in the market for a new Batwing? Or is our hero ready to prove himself once and for all?

  • 8.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze May 8, 2014

    Everything about this issue of Batwing is what you would expect when Luke loses that control between both parts of his world. There is a lot of sympathy to give and you surely want to stay tuned for the next issue knowing that things can only get worse for Batwing and Luke. Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray haven't pulled any punches so far and I wouldn't expect that to change any time soon. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Jun 25, 2014

    To be honest I went into this issue not thinking I was going to like it very much but itsurprised me and turned my misconception around. I'm not as big a Batwing fan as I am a Batman fan so I wasn't sure that I would have as much to say in reviewing this title as I have in others but I found that there was plenty of thought-provoking content. I went into this not being a super fan and not expecting much but came out at the end being impressed by thecontroversial subject matter and surprising depth of the dialogue. If you can make someone who was disinterested entertained and enlightened then there must be something worthwhile going on. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    Weird Science - Jim Werner May 12, 2014

    Batwing #31 is a non-stop action fest that looks great, but falls a little short for me.  I have enjoyed watching Luke Fox struggle between becoming a killer and a Bat Hero in the face of tragedy.  This issue throws that out for a big brawl.  Mind you, it is a pretty epic brawl, but one with little to no consequences (or real ending).  I really want more people to read this book because as a whole, it is great.  However, this is not the best issue Palmiotti and Gray have given us. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers May 7, 2014

    At this point, this book's current story arc just seems to be treading water to me. In previous reviews, I've already made my disinterest in the setting and villains of this arc clear, but those elements are moving at a snail's pace, and I'm only growing more disinterested in the title. What once was a much  needed jolt in the arm of a struggling book has found itself in a rut of weak melodrama that's just not that enjoyable to read from month to month. Best case scenario for me in this title moving forward is to wrap up this story, and just go crazy, making the absolute most of the forth or fifth lease on life this title has been seemingly given.  Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    DC Comics News - Michael Bordo May 10, 2014

    It really pains me to say this but skip this issue, unless your like me who is already involved in this story arch just skip it. But I do want to stress that I like this series a lot and will continue to buy and read it, because I have faith that Justin Gary will put Batwing where he belongs and that's fighting B maybe even A class villains he did hold his own against Lady Shiva. Somy verdict is to don't buy this issue maybe read it at the comic store and hopefully my next review of Batwing won't be so harsh.Rating Read Full Review

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