The Race of Outlaws begins! Despite her best efforts, Selina Kyle just cant stop being Catwoman. Whats dragged her back into the catsuit? A globe-trotting contest that will have her competing to earn the prize for being the best thief in the world. But watch out, Catwoman theres no honor among thieves!
This issue gets a 7.1, for a fun visual mix of bright colors and fanciful costumes, but a lack of coherent story. What exactly are the tasks that Roulette has the thieves completing? What is Roulette's motivation? And seriously, in those final fight scenes, what the heck is going on? Nocenti's writing of an emotionally flat, non-conversational Selina is bewildering. I hope the next issue brings more explanation to the plot, and more personality to Selina. Read Full Review
Catwoman #30 had some promise with the premise of the arc, but it ultimately still fails to deliver. The writing is still awful from the plotting to the dialogue, bad characterization all around for the cast, and now with bad and ugly artwork. The only good thing that can be said that it appears that the comic is approaching its end and soon, we may not have to deal with this anymore. Hopefully, that's the case. Read Full Review
Ann Nocenti's first issue of the "Race of Thieves" arc is as bland and antiseptic a superhero comic as they come. Read Full Review
As a public service, I will continue to read and review Catwoman. I do this so you don't have to. I am the designated reader because friends don't let friends read Nocenti. You can thank me later. Read Full Review
Overall: It's the same thing we've come to expect from Ann Nocenti: random trite that is just irritating. Fingers crossed people! Fingers crossed! Read Full Review