Deathstroke #8

Writer: Kyle Higgins Artist: Joe Bennett Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 11, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
7.7Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

As Slade Wilson recovers from the events of last issue, his past and future converge in the form of a bounce-back mission that reminds him why he started down the path as a mercenary to begin with. While Slade weighs whether or not to soldier on, the story of his childhood, military enrollment and first mission as Deathstroke is explored!

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Apr 11, 2012

    A great ending to a great run by this creative team. They truly made this a character that was accessible to new readers in the DCnU, and I applaud them for paving the way for the future creative teams and building on an already well developed character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 11, 2012

    After assisting Joe Bennett a bit earlier in the series, Eduardo Pansica takes over full penciling duties for this finale. Pansica handles facial expressions and character emotions better, which makes him particularly well suited for this quieter story. Granted, a few of his faces fall on the wonky side, but on the whole he delivers a very somber and visually arresting issue. It's just one more reason why I'm sad to see the book transitioning into a different direction. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Nicole D'Andria May 20, 2012

    A filler issue that could be easily skipped without missing any story elements, this is one issue I recommend picking up or maybe even starting with if you're coming late to the hack-and-slash father-son vengeance of the New 52's Deathstroke. Read Full Review

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