Deathstroke #5

Writer: Tony Daniel Artist: Tony Daniel, Sandu Florea Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 25, 2015 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 6
7.5Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

Deathstroke vs. Batman with Harley Quinn stuck in the middle! The most intense, brutal battle in the history of The New 52 takes place in this issue!

  • 9.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Daniel Kalban Feb 27, 2015

    The finale to this arc is coming fast. Slade is still searching for Jericho, but can he save his son and stop his own father? We will see in four weeks! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Collectors - Kort Johnson Mar 2, 2015

    If you like Batman, buy this issue. If you like Deathstroke, buy this issue (it's probably on your pull list already). This is why I started buying comics as a kid; hero fights villain and good .vs. evil and yes, I did feel like a kid again reading this. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Feb 27, 2015

    This issue is a superhero fantasy battle fans wet dream come true.  I'm not sure if there is such a person, but the rest of us can enjoy what Tony S. Daniel is giving out as well.  Batman versus Deathstroke in a knock-down, drag-out brawl will always get my recommendation and throw in Tony S. Daniel's art and you have a no-brainer, my friends.  The cliffhanger was not a big surprise, but it promises more bloody action next month and that's fine with me. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - Phil Nicholl Mar 5, 2015

    So overall I think this has been a really good, solid title that is definitely going from strength to strength. Its probably not going to be a favourite of someone without much knowledge of the character but if you like Deathstroke as an anti-hero you will enjoy this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - J. Luis Feb 28, 2015

    All that being said, Deathstroke #5 is probably the most action packed book I have read in a long time. This is the kind of comic that fans have been wanting and you would be doing a disservice in not picking it up right now. It may reserve forwarding the story to the last page or two, but Deathstroke #5 is still a fantastic and engaging read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Feb 25, 2015

    It's like a comic fan's dream, Deathstroke fighting Batman. Often a Batman appearance feels forced but Tony Daniel makes it fun and exciting. He's been spoiling us with lots of big and over the top action. The fight between the two is just what we'd want. Daniel doesn't just fill the issue with a huge fight scene. We get more on Jericho and Rose along with those pesky bad guys stirring up all sorts of trouble. Tony Daniel is cranking up the action and storytelling in this series. There's no telling what will happen next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Feb 26, 2015

    This is the kind of comic I remember reading as a kid: lots of fighting, some cheeky quips, and then the hero is off to the next encounter with nary a consequence to be found. The formula obviously works (it has for over 75 years) and this book will nicely while away part of your evening. It's not going to challenge your thinking and it doesn't innovate in the realm of comic book storytelling, but it's altogether solid and entertaining (and violent for those of you who like it that way). Will it get you to keep reading Deathstroke if you're not already a regular reader? It's doubtful. But for Batman fans, this is a fine treat! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 26, 2015

    You'd probably have guessed that Deathstroke is already the kind of comic that will self-select its action-junkie viewership, and this issue is no exception. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Mar 1, 2015

    This book is not for those who feel there is already too much violence in comics. Even the hardcore Harley and Batman fans will probably find this a waste of time.This book is reaching for readership. If I bought it for the Harley and Bat-appearances, I would be disappointed. Read Full Review

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