Detective Comics #875

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Francesco Francavilla Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 30, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 15
8.8Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

One bright Tuesday morning, the corpse of a killer whale shows up on the floor of one of Gotham City's foremost banks. The event begins a strange and deadly mystery that will bring Batman face-to-face with the new, terrifying faces of organized crime in Gotham. Be here for part 1 of the brand new 3-part "Hungry City."

  • 10
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Nov 30, -0001

    Detective Comics #875 was a perfect issue. From the story and artwork, the whole issue was just dead on perfect. Scott Snyders plotting of this issue was just brilliant as he took a chance on basing a whole two issue arc on Commissioner Gordon and it paid off. Snyder gave us a look at a character that we rarely ever see be more than a supporting player in stories. Here Snyder showed Gordon as a character that can star in his own story without the Batman characters around. This is just the type of issue that shows why Batman has one of the deepest set of characters in comics. The artwork from Francesco Francavilla was equally brilliant from the color scheme to all of the character reactions. If Detective Comics under Snyder pen wasnt already the best Batman book this issue more than put this comic over the hump as the premier Batman title. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Fanboy Buzz - DustinRiccio Apr 7, 2011

    This, along with Batman Inc. #4, are two of the best single issues of a Batman comic in recent memory. They are both required reading for all Batman fans. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Mar 31, 2011

    About as perfect of a done-in-one Jim Gordon story as you'll ever see. Snyder and Francavilla cover so much ground, tell a great story AND set up future material. Even if you don't follow Batman, you should read this issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Mar 31, 2011

    It's great to once again have a monthly Batman book this well-done. Of course, Batman takes a backseat here, but I can live with that as long as we keep getting more of this awesome storytelling. I can finally stop wishing for that perfect creative team to rejuvenate Detective. They're already here. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Mar 30, 2011

    As far as establishing a villain and setting the tone, this issue doesn't miss a beat. There's a haunting sadness that makes me wonder if James Jr. is this way and so the world reacts to him, or if he's slowly become this way because of how the world reacts to and treats him. There might be a major crime from the past lodged into the narrative but this is firmly a character piece. The Gordon men are all a little broken on the inside, some just realize it more than others. The stage is now completely set, lit, and dressed; the final act can commence. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Mar 30, 2011

    Detective Comics #875 is a win no matter which way you look at it. The art is beautiful. The writing is terrifyingly spectacular. And the issue works as both a standalone character study of Jim Gordon or as another chapter in Scott Snyder's ongoing saga about how Gotham twists and corrupts everything living within her city limits. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Apr 9, 2011

    Commissioner Gordon hunts a serial killer while wondering whether his son might also be a psychopath.This is a very low-key, psychological story and a very unusual Batman tale. In fact, Batman barely appears in this comic at all, only coming in at crucial moments, almost as an afterthought.The real story is Gordon's hunt for an old serial killer which in turn awakens old fears that his son, James Junior, may also be a psycho. There are flashbacks, looking at Junior's strange behaviour even as Gordon gets closer to his quarry. It is an intriguing story which makes poor, hard-working Gordon even more sympathetic. You can't help wondering how an honest, straight-arrow cop like Gordon could have produced such a twisted kid-- especially one who, in a hilarious sequence, decides to go trick-or-treating as the Joker. But the story isn't for everyone. The action is too subdued and the big mystery about Gordon's kid isn't resolved which may leave readers feeling cheated. The continuity about Go Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Apr 5, 2011

    Although I'm not wild about the art for Batman (in the couple of panels the Dark Knight Detective actually appears), Francesco Francavilla's style works well for a story centered around Gordon, both in the past and the present. It will be interesting to show how the James Jr. storyline plays out, and how much time it's given center stage (as it is here). Worth a look. Read Full Review

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