Wally faces the greatest decision of his life. He must either allow the soulless Rogues to continue their murderous rampage on Earth or strike a deal with Neron that's sure to cost him his own soul--or something even dearer to him. "Hell to Pay" part 3.
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This really is Flash: One More Day lmao but like a decade before the actual OMD
i finally finished Mark Waid's first Flash run, and honestly it was great. Yeah it was just anthology villain of the week, but this run is the template for future Flash stories. It introduced Bart Allen, Speed Force, showed how Wally was a great legacy character, and I got attached to linda Park. It had great action and showed Flash in creative ways. While it's personally not my favorite, I can't deny on how influential this run was. I am excited to see Mark Waid's second run on Flash is.