Flash #202

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Alberto Dose Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 24, 2003 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The Fastest Man Alive struggles to protect his fellow officers as the true identity of their killer is revealed.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Sep 28, 2003

    As Ive said, writers hoping to break into the industry should pay attention to what Johns is doing in this arc. Whats old is new again, and in the static world of comics, thats no small feat. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 30, 2003

    I have to say I'm a bit divided when it come to this new direction as on one hand we are essentially getting in on the ground floor of a fairly major shift in this book's status quo, and I applaud Geoff Johns seeming willingness to deliver a story the is so radically different from what we had been getting before. On the other hand though, I rather enjoyed what this book had going before, and the more down-to-earth feel of this new direction doesn't really excite me like the slam blam action that was this book's bread and butter. Now I'm curious to see where this book is heading, and this issue has itself a pretty exciting cliffhanger to pull me into the next issue, but I do hope that the book does kick itself into a higher gear pretty soon, as there's only so much enjoyment one can draw from watching Wally stumble and bumble around with his newly discovered ability. Still, I imagine things will pick up once Wally puts on the costume, as this should bring more ideas into play, when the Read Full Review

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