Flash #203

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Alberto Dose Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 29, 2003 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

As The Flash attempts to come to grips with his new identity, a new Rogue announces his presence in Keystone City. But what is his strange connection to The Flash?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Mike Storniolo Nov 2, 2003

    The book got four Silver Bullets for another good story by Geoff Johns, and great art by Alberto Dose. For $2.25 its a steal. Flash is surely one of the best titles out there that you need to be reading. It has mostly everything that you would want out of a superhero book. The conclusion to Ignition is something that you wouldnt want to miss, and if things are going as planned when Wally reveals his secret to Linda, thats going to be a good issue. Theres a lot looking good in Flashs future just make sure youre there to read it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 31, 2003

    I like the idea that Wally is stumbling out of the gates in this opening story, as essentially we're being given a story in which Wally has to relearn how to be the Flash, and unlike riding a bike there is a rather steep learning curve to learning how to function of high speed effectively. Plus, given the villains that the Flash is running up against aren't exactly going to let him get away with making mistakes, these early issues should be quite exciting, as there's a far better chance that Wally is going to get his head handed to him than we've seen in these pages in a very long time. There's also a fairly interesting twist in that Wally believes the Flash is responsible for the loss of the twins that Linda was carrying, and as such there's also a tremendous sense of guilt associated with his being the Flash, and one imagines he'll be inclined to hide his discovery from Linda which should act to drive a wedge in their already shaky relationship. I'll be glad when Howard Porter arrive Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Loretta Ramirez Oct 31, 2003

    So, perhaps costumes are the symbol of heroic deeds; and perhaps costumes transform a drab world into a world of dazzling promise. The rising suspense and action of this issue supports such an argument. But, more crucial is the fact that the person who dons the costume is a herosomething that is concretely emphasized by the Ignition creative team; The Flash costume sparkles because Wally West is wearing it. Read Full Review

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