Flashpoint: Batman Knight of Vengeance #2

Event\Storyline: Flashpoint Writer: Brian Azzarello Artist: Eduardo Risso Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 6, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 10
8.6Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

The Joker has kidnapped the children of Harvey Dent and it's up to Batman and Commissioner James Gordon to save them before the crazed criminal gets the last laugh. With clues coming up cold, they seek out one person who knows how to get information fast: the Oracle!

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jul 6, 2011

    Call it an Elsewords, alternate universe, or out-of-continuity story, but regardless, it's a great one. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jul 6, 2011

    If the conclusion next month of "Flashpoint: Batman: Knight of Vengeance" is as strong as the first two chapters, we're in for one hell of a ride. But regardless of how it all pans out, there's enough here to make you gasp and jump (along with some truly nasty surprises) to entice you on board for this latest chapter. If all tie-ins to event comics were this strong, we'd be that much richer for it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 10, 2011

    It was recently reported that the sales on Flashpoint #1 fell under the 100K mark and well below the numbers DC's main competition posted with its Fear Itself event book. However, those numbers reflect sales before the release of the spinoff titles such as this one. I suspect the strength of storytelling such as what's to be found in Batman Knight of Vengeance might serve as a boost to the Flashpoint brand in general. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Jul 6, 2011

    Really the only problem with Batman - Knight of Vengeance lies in its succinctness. Reveals come at a Gatling gun fire rate, and it's difficult to get steeped in the ephemeral lore of a world that's so fleeting. Once again, I have to fault DC with short-changing a really wonderful concept, but Azzarello and Risso's Knight reigns the Flashpoint tie-ins nonetheless. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 25, 2011

    Batman: Knight of Vengeance has definitely been one of my favorite of the Flashpoint series to hit and this issue just cements it all the more. The action is brief but tense and well executed, the artwork is great as it captures the mood well as it uses the familiar with just enough of an off angle to it, and the twists of the characters used gives it the right approach. What I find more and more with this particular book is that it is the type where you find yourself wanting to see much more of it, fleshing it out in a larger sense so we can see how these events unfolded, who was really involved and the nuance of it. It's definitely one of the few Flashpoint books that I think could sustain its own work in an Elseworlds form. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Poet Mase Jul 6, 2011

    Issue #2 is, without a doubt, a good read, but I was left wondering if Azzarello, in the process of upping the ante, hadn't crossed into the territory of cognitive dissonance. Regardless, he's set the stage for a thrilling resolution in the series' finale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Jul 6, 2011

    Although it didn't pack the same punch as the first issue, Flashpoint: Batman - Knight of Vengeance #2 is an extremely awesome book. There's a lot of set-up for the finale, but it is page turner. The writing and art in this issue are solid and these two guys make a great team. Sadly, if you're not reading Flashpoint, you will be completely lost. In fact, if you missed out on the first issue of this, you'll still be a bit lost. I recommend this issue highly, and recommend everyone pick up the first issue of this, even if you're not reading Flashpoint. Read Full Review

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