With Starro headed towards Earth and the other heroes battling on Oa, it's up to Blue Beetle and Booster Gold to try and stop him. But how?
A must-read issue of a must-read series. Read Full Review
With the conclusion to the Green/Red Lantern War, I'd say it was a great arc overall. Probably the best overall arc with a slight lead on the Ra's Al Ghul Arc. It showed how Injustice 2 can do new things while also expanding on and growing from previous entries and the original Injustice comic. Read Full Review
This ending piece does a lot of good stuff with the trio of characters involved and bringing that on top of other recent installments that were strong and we end up with a really enjoyable run overall. Tom Taylor is totally in his wheelhouse here while Xermanico continues to delight issue after issue with the portrayal of these characters and what they have to try and survive. Read Full Review