Time and options are running out for Jenny Sparks as Captain Atom grows restless waiting for his demands to be fulfilled. As he begins to play a dangerous game with the hostages, Jenny delves deeper into Atom's past, searching for answers. Could his tragic story reveal the key to his defeat?
Jenny Sparks #5 is definitely the most thought provoking issue of the series thus far, marrying the events of the real world with the events of the DC universe in a way that highlights who Jenny Sparks is as a character. Read Full Review
This is a comic that's definitely not going to be for everyone, but it's deeply compelling for me. Read Full Review
Jenny Sparks #5 isn't afraid to say things, even if sometimes what it says gets jumbled up in capes and tights. On the upside, Jeff Spokes just gets better and better, making walking dialogue scenes dynamic with tilted shots of characters on Dutch angles. I would love to see him pair up with Tom King again in the future as their artistic sensibilities work well together. We get to see him render the main characters' backstories, giving them the trademark Tom King tragedy, which fills it with proper pathos. There's also Batman-Superman banter, which we could never have too much of. Read Full Review