DON'T MISS THE PENULTIMATE ISSUE OF TOM KING AND JEFF SPOKES' GRIPPING STORY! An all-out brawl erupts between Captain Atom and Jenny Sparks when she uses his traumatic memories against him! Could this shattered hero with the powers of a god be ready to take every-thing down with him? Has Jenny finally gone too far? Find out in our pulse-pounding penultimate issue!
Jenny Sparks #6 continues to be thought provoking as the balance of real world and fictional events clash. Read Full Review
I get why a lot of people aren't vibing with this comic, which is easily one of the most metaphysical King books yet, but it's fascinating to see him use the Black Label format to explore these deeper issues. Read Full Review
'Jenny Sparks' #6 is a poignant look at our recent global crisis, and how sometimes, superheroes feel powerless too. Unfortunately, the story is undercut by a repetitive and roundabout confrontation with Captain Atom, weakening its emotional center. Thankfully, Jeff Spokes exhibits frame-worthy splash pages and Tom King writes a gripping cliffhanger. Read Full Review