Red Lanterns #0

Event\Storyline: Rise of the Third Army Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Ardian Syaf Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 26, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 7
5.7Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

PROLOGUE TO THE THIRD ARMY! Dont miss this secret chapter of the Red Lantern Corps, as the legacy of Atrocituss violent past unfolds! Witness a prophecy that threatens to change everything!

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Oct 3, 2012

    This is a great introduction to Atrocitus. Great story, great art. But be warned–Once you've tasted rage, it's hard to let it go! Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Multiversity Comics - Drew Bradley Sep 28, 2012

    Overall, this was an ok issue, but not good enough to entice me back next month. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Oct 3, 2012

    Red Lanterns #0 is a good book, but one that could have been great had we had either a tighter script or more pages to see the ending played out properly.  I really liked how the Green Lantern mythology was incorporated into the story, but the rushed final act robs the reader of a satisfying conclusion which brings the book's rating down a notch for me.  Three out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 5.9
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Sep 26, 2012

    Luckily, Ardian Syaf does a solid job on pencils. The story goes off without a hitch thanks to his focused images in each panel that illustrate far more than the meager words imply. His layouts keep things fresh and offer a visual diversity not found in the actual narrative. He even manages to bring the issue back around after the script pulls the biggest unwarranted jump in time I have perhaps ever seen. While the origin of Atrocitus reveals nothing worth writing home about, at least Syaf makes it look good. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Sep 27, 2012

    "Red Lanterns" #0 is not the sort of comic that will lure in the casual reader. Unfortunately, it's also the sort of product that scares away so many other potential readers because it confirms their worst fears about comic book content. This book is simple and violent. While it contains some underlying fun, it is mostly thin with content that feels like the layman's inaccurate stereotype of a comic book. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Oct 1, 2012

    Red Lanterns #0 did not draw me in as a new reader. It's clear that Atrocitus is one angry, messed-up guy. But there's little to separate him from the many other similarly angry, vengeful characters that litter the comic book landscape. The guy's got blood magick and ties into the larger Green Lantern mythos, but nothing in the storytelling here hooked me for further reading. I have the feeling that Peter Milligan is shackled on this title, for whatever reason. If he could cut loose, maybe it could actually be fun. Red Lanterns #0 rates a disappointing one out of five stars. Read Full Review

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