Scarlet #3

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Alex Maleev Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 24, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 4
6.9Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

From the Eisner Award-winning team that brought you Daredevil and Iron Man comes the latest chapter in their critically acclaimed series SCARLET. Scarlet has fought back against the corruption that destroyed her life-and now the next American revolution is underway!
The city of Portland has been shut down-or, in the eyes of some, taken hostage-and Scarlet must decide how far she is willing to take her crusade. Enter Kit, the woman who will reduce Portland to rubble.
SCARLET tells the story of a generation pushed too far in an alternative world we may soon find ourselves in as created by writer Brian Michael Bendis (SUPERMAN and ACTION more

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Oct 25, 2018

    What's going to happen? Who knows! And that is the best part. You have no idea. And that is a great place for a reader to be. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Oct 24, 2018

    Bendis is creating a really interesting and dynamic story in Scarlet. Taking the focus off of her and putting it onto another character builds on this already dynamic and growing cast of characters. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GWW - Lee Gough Oct 25, 2018

    The issue is short in terms of its story by text but not in its direction and building up it's finale. The characters were properly explored in the first two issues allowing this issue to focus on the acts and consequences of their actions. It's brilliantly paced in that it flows in a somewhat cinematic way. It never feels rushed or that its dragging at any moment and it's something I could drift off reading if it was a much larger story. I wouldn't say any issues have been superior over any others it's just a magnificent series that challenges the times we face in society. I've loved this story of the rebellious redhead so far and eagerly advise you to pick up the series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 24, 2018

    There's something surreal about this issue's release today of all days and it feels as though it's as pertinent to today's political situation as it was when the series debuted 8 years ago. It's the rage many of us feeling and a reality many of us would like to see happen. All it'll take is a spark and some inspiration. But for now, we can imagine that revolution kicking off and experience that possible reality on the printed page. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Chase Magnett Oct 24, 2018

    Scarlet improves its pacing and style in its third issue, but still shows a lot of necessary improvements to be taken as seriously as it is offered. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Oct 23, 2018

    This book still proves to not be friendly to new readers. We get a flashback of Kit which was enjoyable but why explain to new readers who Kit is before telling them who the main character is. It is a quick read with more shooting, more explosions, and more monologues. Scarlet still hasn't demonstrated why she is the leader. She still has done nothing heroic, hasn't fired a gun, hell I would be happy at this point if she saved a cat from a tree. She isn't likeable. I know more about Kit than Scarlet and that is a problem when the main character of the title is still an unknown. Lastly, with little character development it's hard to get invested in any character. At least the art is still very enjoyable throughout the issue. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine Oct 28, 2018

    I didn't like this issue. I really want this story to work because I think it has a lot of potential. I want to love it but it just isn't grabbing me in any kind of meaningful way. Despite some cool art, I think this issue is dull and a little mean spirited. Read Full Review

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