This is a pretty awesome debut issue. The Six's previous appearances in Birds of Prey and elsewhere keep us from having to go through the usual setup of dramatis personae, instead going to some awesome character bits and SHOWING, not telling us how damaged each of these people are. I'm terribly impressed with Nicola Scott's art, making Scandal look drunk and gross while still maintaining her as an attractive woman (once she gets the vomit off her shirt) and makingDeadshot and Catman in civvies look truly deadly. Deadshot and Catman's ice cream run is a classic moment, with trademark Gail Simone wit, and the interplay between Bane and Ragdoll gives me hope that the big doof will do more than bring bat-fans to the book. This is the total package, folks, great art, great story, intriguing setup, a truly touching moment with Scandal and Knockout (or a hallucination thereof, anyway) and even the minor characters have life and voice of their own. Secret Six #1 earns the much-cove Read Full Review
Regardless of its parallels to a cheesy Nicholas Cage movie, the Secret Six is a delightfully refreshing book, and one not to be missed. The team of Simone and artist Nicolas Scott is one of the best creative dynamics in comics, and Scott once again doesn't disappoint with her depictions of humorous situations and beautiful yet realistic female characters. Here, she also shows herself to be quite comfortable diving into the blood and guts of life as a super-villain. This looks like it's going to be one hell of a ride. Long live the Secret Six! Read Full Review
I really hope Secret Six stays around for a good long time. The fan demand is there, and now its a matter of getting everyone, through word of mouth, to give this series a shot and make it a financial success for DC. Its a great writer, teamed with an excellent artist, working on characters that gel together so well that the comic practically writes itself for Gail. The Secret Six is a perfect example of the saying, There are no bad characters, only bad writers. Read Full Review
Longtime comic readers, especially Batman readers, should get a kick out of the fun presented here. As first issues go this one is pretty strong, and as a lifetime fan of Catman (oh c'mon, he's awesome!) I can't wait to for more. Read Full Review
It's a fun first issue, and I want to see more. For now, Simone and Scott have got me right where they want me. Read Full Review
Seeing these so-called villains once again doing the right thing and walking away empty-handed from a job could've been frustrating, until Simone acknowledged that trend in a powerful and effective denouement. I'm also amazed at how interested I am in Jeanette/Silver Banshee as a character. Her portrayal as the ultimate empowered victim is fascinating, and I hope Simone finds the time to delve further into her background soon. The strength of those elements helps to hide the weaknesses in the script. It seemed at times with this story arc that the writer bit off a bit more than she could chew. All of the ideas were mature and intriguing, but there just seemed to be too much going on at once. I think the Amazon storyline, the private-prison angle and the Grendel subplot all could have supported storylines on their own, and incorporating all of them into the same story might have been something of a misstep. Nevertheless, this arc did more things right than wrong, and I remain a fan of t Read Full Review