Lex Luthor has made Superman obsolete thanks to his security tech outfitting every corner in Metropolis. But when the tech begins to go too far and oppress the people, Clark will need to don the shield once more and be the hero Metropolis deserves! It’s a battle between man and machine for the fate of Metropolis!
The Superman: Man of Tomorrow has really been a lot of fun right from the start with the Parasite story and has just gone forward well from there. While the Toy Man piece was the weak point for me, mostly because I don't care much for the character, Robert Venditti nailed this throughout in providing great voices for each of the characters, working the relationship dynamic well for Lois and Clark, and feeling both classic and modern at the same time. All without going for massive end of the world story material. Pelletier and Hennessey brought it to life beautifully and reminded me of just how much fun I had with Pelletier's artwork years ago when I first ran across it. Definitely a solid run that left me smiling the last few weeks. Read Full Review
For the most part I really truly enjoyed this issue, but it's hard for me to get over the big threat at the climax. I know for something that isn't canon, and from a title that has just screamed FUN since the very beginning, it shouldn't bother me but it does. So I gotta get over it and let it effect my score but not ruin it. The art is great as usual, character interaction is great as usual, and the fun is great as usual. Read Full Review
Superman: Man of Tomorrow #6 was a disappointing conclusion to a story arc that had a lot of positive momentum coming into it. While the story of Superman being the people's champion was well handled the same can't be said about Lex Luthor's development. The ball was dropped hard with Lex's development in this issue. Future issues can recover from this but it just did not work as intended in this issue. Read Full Review