Teen Titans #45

Writer: Geoff Johns (story), Adam Beechen (story, Script) Artist: Al Barrionuevo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 11, 2007 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
5.5Critic Rating
4.0User Rating

Deathstroke versus his son and daughter with the lives of the Teen Titans hanging in the balance! Will Wonder Girl and Robin be able to shake themselves free from the monster Superboy: Match? Plus, secrets are revealed about Miss Martian and Kid Devil. "Titans East" part 3.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman Apr 12, 2007

    If you've followed this East vs. West story for the past year, next month will seem somewhat bittersweet. Not only will it be the last of this arc, but it will also be the last with Geoff's name on it. Regardless of how I've felt about these last few issues, Johns' mark on this title is easily felt and should easily resonate once Beechen takes over the reigns full time. This issue is average in my estimation, but over all I would give the writer's run a higher rating than that. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Apr 13, 2007

    Teen Titans #45 was a slightly better than average read. The ending was the saving grace to this issue and is the only thing that gives me hope that Beechen will deliver a wild ending to this story arc. I definitely have that sinking feeling that Beechen's Teen Titans is going to completely fail to reach the high standards that Johns's Teen Titans set. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Shawn Apr 12, 2007

    A good read, and a comic that is on my pull list. The story and the characterization keep me coming back. The pacing is a little slow, but this is the third part of a 4 issue story, if it is going to drag anywhere, it is in this issue. The previous Titans story arc put the pieces back on the board, this one will definitely move them around a bit Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nicholas Slayton May 1, 2007

    I'm really bummed with the way Titans is heading. It used to my favorite DC book, but Beechen's handle of the characters has killed my favorite draw to the title. Despite having a brilliant first half, "Titans East" drags along with poor art, bad dialogue, and out of character moments galore. It's a shame really, as I have been looking forward to this arc for months. Read Full Review

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