Teen Titans #8

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Tom Grummett Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 11, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

Who is Raven? The Teen Titans get a crash course on this mysterious former Titan, and what her reappearance could mean! Plus, the return of a fan-favorite villain.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 19, 2004

    Bringing Raven back to the DCU is a bit of a tricky proposition as I expect I'm not the only Titans fan who soured on the character when Marv Wolfman turned her into an evil villain. If nothing else I was simply glad to see the character blasted into comic limbo, as I found her to be a dreadfully dull villain, but she had gone to far over the line to be brought back on as a teammate. Still, bringing her back after spending the better part of the past decade as a disembodied spirit did help to make me forget the final couple years of the New Titans series, and Geoff Johns does a pretty fair job of laying out the character's back story so that even the new readers have a pretty good idea of what to expect when the character returns to these pages. In fact he manages to set up a nice little mystery that I for one hope isn't resolved as frankly Raven works far better when there's an element of uncertainty about her. This issue also offers up a nice nod of the head toward another part of th Read Full Review

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