Teen Titans #9

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Mike McKone Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 17, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

"Raven Rising" part 1! Another weekend begins for the Teen Titans, and there's one thing on the agenda: teaching Bart Allen to drive. But what looks like a fun, relaxing adventure turns into dark nightmare for the Titans as Raven returns--as well as the new, mysterious Brother Blood!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 31, 2004

    A good issue if you're a fan of this cast as it's largely a character driven issue, with some amusing moments stemming from one's prior exposure to these characters. I mean Impulse fans are sure to recognize that putting Bart behind the wheel of the Batmobile is a very bad idea. If nothing else I feel this book missed an opportunity to have more fun with the idea, as while having him racing through the street with his peddle to the floor, and complaining about the idea that they're only moving at 110, is a cute moment, I found myself a bit disappointed that Bart's attention wasn't drawn to the ever tempting bat-gadget buttons that line the dashboard. Still the mystery blue button gag has a fun pay off, and the secondary plot following Superboy's efforts at dealing with Krypto also has a couple fun moments of interaction between Superboy and a couple of the older members of the team. The section of the issue that looks at Deathstroke and his daughter also does a nice job of playing up t Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Mar 20, 2004

    Id like to see Raven triumph for once over the adversity in her destiny, and Id like Starfire to be more than den mother to this crew, but overall this is another fun-filled installment of one of the best team books around. Read Full Review

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