Part one of the epic two-part series finale! After unleashing his raw dark-matter energy and melting Doctor Fate's helmet, Brimstone's newfound powers have alerted forces much darker than the ones he's come across so far. As the home office opens its doors to finally enter into our reality, you'll never believe the first fiery presence to step through!
I don't like to be too harsh about certain things with The Curse of Brimstone, but this was not that time where you should favor the story but feel let down by the interiors. This is an important chapter for Brimstone being part one of the finale, I do hope that the art picks up when the next issue drops because that will be the one where you want readers to say this is memorable. Anything like this will tell us that they gave up. Read Full Review
You can't go wrong with Denys Cowan art, and he (with inker John Stanisci) ups his game in the penultimate issue of Brimstone, giving some exciting layouts to the huge story Jordan is shaping with his script. Read Full Review
Legendary artist Denys Cowan returns for the final arc of The Curse of Brimstone, and the series takes a level up thanks to the stunning visuals. Unfortunately, it still suffers from the series' overall problem " a hero who remains pretty vague, and villains who seem more here for generic battle segments than any real menace. Read Full Review
Overall, just like the rest of this series, this is OK. It is not the worst thing I have read in a long time but not the best. It is a solid C. Annie is a great character who deserved better. More on that in my final review next month. For now, if you have stuck with it this long, keep on keeping on. Read Full Review
Dammit, I thought this was the last issue. This series is a bore. We've got three different characters repeating the same information like it's some new revelation after the first time. And a big battle. And that's it.