Villains United #1
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Villains United #1

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 4, 2005 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 10
5.8Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

Spinning directly out of COUNTDOWN TO INFINITE CRISIS! Meet the new Secret Six: Catman, Deadshot, Chesire, Ragdoll, Scandal and Parademon! United by the mysterious Mockingbird, these six unlikely allies stand together against not only the heroes of the DC Universe, but the other villains as well!

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - James Redington May 8, 2005

    this was a good read, not as good as The OMAC Project, but it sets itself up well for the next five issues. I loved the cover by J.G. Jones, but I would have liked to see a bit more of a background. I am definitely looking forward to Gails run on Action Comics, and after reading this, seeing her write threatening villains bodes well for the gallery of monsters available to her in the Superman titles. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 19, 2005

    Dale Eaglesham's art does have the occasional moment where his perspective looks a bit off, but the level of detail that he puts on the pages makes it quite easy to look past these moments, as does the fact that there's a wealth of lovely visuals in this issue, from the credit page shot that perfectly establishes the new Catman, to the delightfully surreal appearance of the secret base where the six villains have set up shop. The art also solidly presents the facial expressions of the characters, as I rather enjoyed the page where the various villains accept the offer, as it's nicely contrasted by the look of disbelief on the face of Doctor Psycho when Catman turns them down. The action sequence was also well presented, with a nice little moment of Deadshot willingly playing with fire, and Ragdoll's gimmick is given a good showing as the character manages to walk away from a fall that would have killed most people. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning May 8, 2005

    Yes, thats a different song. Appropriate though, as the only motivation strong enough to bring together a team of backstabbers is having their own wicked ways turned against them by the moral majority. With Dr. Lights mindwiping as a rallying cry, the Secret Society hopes to protect their own interests and gain revenge through the victory over the heroes they could never achieve alone. This may not be enough to keep them together, but the mafia-like structure of the new organization should prevent any second thoughts. All in all, the first issue of Villains United provides both a solid introduction to the main conflicts, a useful summary of what has gone before, and a promise of danger and betrayal in the months ahead. Oh, and a Hero. This last bit is vital, since even in a story about villains a reader needs someone to root for. Ultimately, the success or failure of this story will fall on how well Simone develops this character into a compelling protagonist. Shes off to a g Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill May 8, 2005

    Art notes: Eagleshams work is serviceable, but only really shows inspiration on the under-villains lair, and in Rag Dolls fight with the bee-men. All in all, this is a competent but underwhelming issue with troubling implications for the future. Read Full Review

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