To save Darah and Teegra, Darkwolf faces off against the witch Roliel's son, Otwa, in a deadly duel to the death. At Icepeak, Juliana discovers her beloved son Kaledan has been murdered, and Nekron blames it on assassins from the Fire Realm. Now any chance at peacefully resolving the conflict between Fire and Ice has died with Kaledan. "Open all the vaults and release terror on our foes!" commands Juliana. At Fire Keep, King Jarol convenes a war summit with the leaders of all the free peoples - but is it too little, too late? Find out in Fire and Ice #2 from acclaimed writer BILL WILLINGHAM (Fables, Legenderry) and artist LEONARDO MANCO (Hellmore
The StoryIn the fight between Darkwolf and Otwa, the latter is defeated. However, Darkwolf spares his life and heads off. Meanwhile, a conclave of the fire tribes is held to decide a course of action against Juliana and the Ice Tribe. Elsewhere Juliana confirms Nekron as her new Heir given that Kaledan is now gone. Having found Otwa's broken body on retrieved it. Roliel works her magic to renew her son's strength but is interrupted part way by Juliana. Read Full Review
The art is beautiful and even the most bizarre moments of the plot work thanks to that, including a coloring job that's first-rate work. Read Full Review
FIRE AND ICE #2 continues the complex plot surrounding Realms on the brink of war. Willingham crafts a script brimming with plots, subplots, and strategic maneuvering, and Mancos art is a worthy successor to the source material. That said, the busy plot is hampered by a lack of action and energy. Read Full Review