Magnus #4

Writer: Kyle Higgins, Aubrey Sitterson Artist: Jorge Fornes, Dylan Burnett Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: September 20, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
8.4Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

Magnus is closing in on her prey, the killer A.I. Frederick - but her trip to the outskirts of the A.I. world turns up a disturbing discovery that brings back dark memories of her own. Now Magnus must wrestle with her own past and manage to capture the killer - but Frederick still has a few surprises left up his sleeves...

Also: Doc Spektor, Part 7! The story of the all-new master (and we use the term lightly) sorcerer continues... when Doc banishes a demon - well, sort of - and his new buddy Paimon helps him commit fraud - again!

  • 9.0 - Harrison Rawdin Sep 20, 2017

    Magnus #4 is superb entertainment with a beyond stellar creative team at its back. And when you add in the fact that the Doctor Spektor back-up story by Aubrey Sitterson, Dylan Burnett plusTriona Farrell continues here and there's no way this release can be denied. There's so much worth within this package that picking it up really is a no brainer at this point, especially if you're a fan that lovessci fi! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Thegreatmagnet Sep 24, 2017

    Overall, I think this was a great issue and it was a strong end to the first arc. We now have a pretty good understanding of Magnus’ past and her current motivations, and the motivations of the villain, and the war between humans and robots is already unfolding before our eyes. I think this series has shown incredible promise, and it has the potential to stack up with the best Magnus stories that have ever been told (including my personal fave, the 90s series from Valiant). The premise is compelling and pretty original, and the larger themes and concepts are meaty and sophisticated. I’d recommend this to any sci-fi fans, even if they have no prior knowledge of Magnus Robot Fighter. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 20, 2017

    Magnus has been the strongest of the books that are part of this run of the Gold Key characters and each issue has really delighted me. It's the kind of book where I wish there were a couple of dozens issues already that I had just discovered so I could binge it as the wait each month is slightly frustrating. Higgins is working a familiar tale with a strong hand that's made even more engaging thanks to the rich and detailed work that Fornes is bringing to the artwork. It's a great looking and distinctive book without going in such a radical direction that it overpowers everything else. The fourth issue gives us more of Magnus' past while setting the fuse for what's to come in the real world and the cloud world. Definitely a great hidden gem worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Sep 20, 2017

    The stakes have been set through the events of Magnus #4. With each passing issue you learn more of this unfolding plan, and with every new detail you are discovering that the worst is still yet to come. At this point I would say to expect the unexpected, because this is how you put your heroes back against the wall. Frederick may have been the so-called villain, but he surprisingly made his mark without being all too present. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Comic Crusaders - Andy Hall Sep 21, 2017

    Higgins and Fornes have really done something interesting in their interpretation of what was really a boring Gold Key hero. It is an engaging story. One that will keep you coming back with new questions about this world and it's hero. Hopefully they have some answers just as interesting. Read Full Review

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