The Shadow: Year One #1
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The Shadow: Year One #1

Writer: Matt Wagner Artist: Wilfredo Torres Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: February 20, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 1
7.8Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

THE SHADOW is a character that has lasted through decades on the pages of pulp magazines, over the radio airwaves, thru the silver screen, and in the panels of comic books. Shrouded in mystery, his origins have been explored and hinted at over the years...but never fully revealed. Much is known of Kent Allard/Lamont Cranston's years spent in the Orient and Central America-wherein he gains his powers and purpose...but not how he first developed his persona as the Master of Darkness. Eisner Award-winning author, Matt Wagner is joined by artist Wilfredo Torres in an exhilarating 8-issue limited series that will explore the dynamic events tha more

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Feb 26, 2013

    Just when you think the “Year One” concept has been done to death, a comic appears to remind you that it's not dead if it's done well. I say welcome to The Shadow: Year One. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts Feb 20, 2013

    Fans of Dynamite's Shadow ongoing series will want to check this out, even if they know the story; and it's also a good place to start for readers who know the character only from the Alec Baldwin movie and might be curious. While The Shadow: Year One doesn't give you all the answers you might want right away, it does give a good idea of the things to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - JohnP Feb 19, 2013

    This series has been one that pulp fans have been very much anticipating and it more than delivers. It's too early to tell where this ranks in respect to Wagner's other Year One comics, but it is a very strong start. Definitely something all fans of pulp heroes or good comics in general should be checking out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Feb 20, 2013

    The Shadow: Year One shows a lot of promise. Wagner starts to shed some light on The Shadow, and what we've seen so far is pretty good. Aside from the complaints with the dialogue, it's a solid introduction story. The Shadow is behind the scenes in this issue mostly, but hopefully there's a lot more to come 4/5 Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Feb 20, 2013

    "The Shadow: Year One" #1 looks to be yet another monumental success in the world of pulp comics. There is a disturbed hero, a broken city, a damsel in distress, and a villain acting very bad and about to be led into worse. A character driven story from the early years of the Shadow, this issue delivers plenty of terse set up that demands a return next month for more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    First Comics News - Matthew Szewczyk Feb 17, 2013

    I have been an outspoken fan of Dynamites excellent comic Masks, which is a team up of some of pulps greatest heroes, and the success of that title may have introduced readers to some of those characters for the first time. By offering an origin story, Dynamite has given those potential fans an easy way to get into one of the greatest characters ever created and the timing could not be better. Hopefully some of thousands of readers who picked up Masks last month but did not also grab the Shadow will pick this title up and with a little luck they will find themselves hooked. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Diego Chi Feb 20, 2013

    Despite the well written dialogue and elegant art, I felt like Wagner kept me waiting for a stunning moment that never happened. Issue #1 trades action for exposition, and what little tension is created toward the end results in a straightforward reveal. I also anticipated Allard/Cranston to make more mistakes or test out crime fighting methods, but it seems that even from "year one" the Shadow has his act down: applying his marksmanship with a pistol, his psychic powers, and even a fearsome appearance to his vigilantism. I am not disappointed-- the story jumps right in and feels at home in the pulp world, setting up several plot threads that will deepen the hero's mythos. Wagner definitely left me feeling impatient as I wait for #2-- I'd say that is a mission accomplished. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Feb 22, 2013

    Matt Wagner is the current king of pulp — sorry Francesco — and this issue will probably be just what current fans of the monarch are expecting. The key word there, though, is “current fans” — newbies who want to learn about this iconic character of our medium's history, despite being created outside of the medium, may not be completely grabbed by the first issue. Yes, as comic fans we should know this is customary of #1s, and yes, by the next issue the book will probably hit its stride, but try convincing a new reader that they should spend another $3.99 before deciding whether or not to stick with the book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 26, 2013

    It's always a risky proposition to peek behind the curtain of a character like The Shadow. I'm not really on-board with the changes Wagner makes to Margo (although their arguably better than the ones the movie decided the make). I trust that Wagner will give us glimpses of the man's past in the Far East, but not tread too far into the mystery that surrounds him. It seems much of the comic, if we can use this first issue as a guide, will deal with The Shadow setting up shop in New York, his relationship with Margo, and providing us a look at his early days in his crusade against crime. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Feb 23, 2013

    Shadow: Year One #1 despite being understandably heavy on the set-up looks very promising. For longtime Shadow fans like me, Wagner and Torres have preserved the aura of mystery that surrounds the character, his origin, and his identities, while also revealing a little more about his background. There's no "nudge/wink" factor in Shadow: Year One. There's no ham-handed "and here's the first time that he says his catch-phrase" or "look how the Shadow got his ring." While I do expect we'll see him gathering his agents together in the course of this series, if it's handled with the elegance and subtlety of this first issue, then all will be well. After all, the last thing you want to do with the Shadow, even when telling an origin story, is reveal too much. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Feb 20, 2013

    Matt Wagner's exceptional writing skills save The Shadow: Year One from dreary art and glacial pacing. Will this be a successful run? Only The Shadow knows. Read Full Review

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