In a world where the Romulans discovered Earth before the Vulcans, Earth is now a brutal penal colony. Resistance fighter William Riker has uncovered a vast conspiracy, and together with his band of prisoner outlaws (you just might recognize a few!), must fight to rescue a mysterious prisoner in the darkest level of the Romulan dungeons. The only man on Earth that still holds the key to humanity's return to the stars!
This issue feels like the beginning of a limited series. Although the characters are different from their Next Generation originals, there is continuity to them that is intriguing.Cates is setting things up for major reveals, and although this is a one-shot, it seems evident that he has more planned, and I can't wait to see what it is. Read Full Review
If that doesn't capture the TNG ethic, I don't know what else can. His words encapsulate the hopeful futurism that secular humanism wishes to promulgate. A naive idea maybe, but one which we should all aspire to hold. An idea that filled me with awe once a week as a child while watching television with my mother. In a world of alternative facts, scientific knowledge and humanitarian ethics will eventually win the the day. Read Full Review
IDW and its Deviations one-shots now stand 2-0 thanks to Star Trek Deviations. Donny Cates, Jason Lewis, and Josh Hood completely tear down the history of Trek and in its place build a stirring, action-packed tribute to the core ideals and aspirations of the Federation as well as what it represents to both the characters and the fans that love it. This one-shot could have coasted on its killer central idea, but instead it became something more, just like franchise from which it takes its name. Read Full Review
Star Trek: Deviations is an enjoyable read to take a break from the norm in the universeof Trek with the "what if?", but now I need to know "What happens!?" Read Full Review
This may not be the 'Days of Future Past' for the Next Generation crew, but it's still an enjoyable deviation from the standard Trek tale. "Star Trek: Deviations" #1 Read Full Review
Two problems hold this issue back. One is that the figure work is frequently stilted, with too much emphasis placed on trying to capture the likenesses of the actors and not enough on clean, clear storytelling, The other is that there simply isn't enough space to tell a complete and satisfying story. Read Full Review
I'm not a huge fan of Star Trek. I'm slowly becoming more and more engrossed in it over time, but I'm still a casual fan of it. But from what I could glean, this story gets it right. It's not the most original story, but it's an easy and engaging read nonetheless.