The creators behind the Hugo Award-nominated The Unwritten, Mike Carey and Peter Gross, invite you into The Highest House, the story of a slave boy named Moth, who makes friends with a powerful entity called Obsidian that promises advancement and happiness. Clearly, Obsidian has a hidden agenda, but Moth has ambitions and plans of his own...
Series covers by award-winning illustrator Yuko Shimizu!
HIGHEST HOUSE #1 is a fantastic opening issue, immediately dispelling any notion that Medieval Fantasy is overdone and boring. Read Full Review
It must be hard to come up with such a broad and interesting world while containing it to one house, even if that happens to be a very large house. With so many different story directions possible, as well as characters to explore, the idea of being able to follow along monthly excites me. If you're a fan of “The Unwritten” or of Fantasy/Magic stories then I think this is a book that you will absolutely enjoy. Its certainly well worth the price for something this beautiful and it comes highly recommended. Read Full Review
Highest House #1 grabbed me and never let go. This was a wonderful tale of anguish and the unseen powers-that-be in the fictional world of Ossaniul. WriterMick Careyand artists Gross and Alquier do phenomenal work here.I highly recommend this one. Give it a read. Read Full Review
A promising, confident debut. Carey and Gross have created a realistic fantasy world rich in character and setting. Read Full Review
High drama and mysterious goings on form the basis for this new comic from IDW. An exceptional start for The Highest House which promises a wealth of characters and adventures all presented in enchantingly illustrated surroundings. Read Full Review
Highest House doesn't leave you lost, you just wish it gave you a little bit more. Read Full Review
It remains to be seen if it will match the quality of their previous collaborations, but it's an intriguing read with only a few dragging moments in the first issue. Read Full Review